New York Times: Brett Kavanaugh thrusting his penis in a woman's face "may seem like harmless fun"

Some predators choose victims who are blackout drunk for reasons of self-protection. If there are other witnesses to the event her inability to remember is moot and does not vindicate Boofy.
It won’t amount to a hill of beans though because frat boys are excused of anything as long as they’re connected enough.


No. Not only did Ms. Ramirez clearly recall this incident, her story was corroborated by two additional witnesses who were present to witness it firsthand and at least seven other people who heard about it long before Kavanaugh was nominated to the Supreme Court.


Since we’ve ALREADY HEARD an accusation of him doing EXACTLY THIS before he was confirmed, why does ANYBODY think that this will accusation will start the impeachment train running? After watching him be confirmed despite his angry and fundamentally dishonest testimony, I cry for my country.


I think the hope is that now the Republicans have made Supreme Court appointments the dirtiest political sport, maybe the Democrats will be willing to play their game. It was very sad to see Kavanaugh appointed but the Democrats couldn’t stop that. They can however, conduct congressional inquiries until Kavanaugh’s wife leaves with the kids.


I doubt this will be enough to get Kavanaugh impeached, but it’s still newsworthy since the crux of the argument against Dr. Ford was that there wasn’t anyone who was able to independently confirm her account of what happened in that room. This new accusation is backed up by two additional eyewitnesses and at least seven others who heard about it before Kavanaugh’s nomination.

One argument being made in favor of impeachment here is that we now have some pretty solid evidence he perjured himself during the confirmation hearings.


Stating the obvious but it’s ridiculous that sexual assault isn’t enough but perjury might be.


It’s not a more serious crime but it’s a much more recent one. Even if we gave Kavanaugh the benefit of the doubt in assuming he is no longer then young man he was in high school and college it’s hard to believe he’s a completely different person than he was at the time of the confirmation hearings.


That is reasonable. I wasn’t considering the disparity in dates and his age. Just one is a violent crime and the other is not.


Yes, thank you for bringing that up. What I found while reading this comment thread is the Brett-bro’s wife is almost a decade younger than him. And, they have two daughters, oldest one is about 14. You think they’re not hearing, or will never be exposed to what their daddy did when he was in college? What are they gonna think?

I did a DDG image search of his wife, Ashley, and almost the entire page of pictures of her face, she looks hurt, or embarrassed, or maybe she’s wishing that she never married this scumbag. Do a search and look quickly around the images; it’s telling.

Ashley, seriously, what are you telling your girls?


In this incident, the victim couldn’t initially remember who the culprit was. Per the NYT, “Ms. Ramirez herself contacted former Yale classmates asking if they recalled the incident and told some of them that she could not be certain Mr. Kavanaugh was the one who exposed himself.” However, they reported that after “six days of carefully assessing her memories and consulting with her attorney," that changed.

Ken Appold was a corroborating source for her. He wasn’t present at the party, but heard the details from someone who was. The New Yorker contacted his source and that person didn’t remember the incident.

Her best friend at the time of the incident was interviewed and said “This is a woman I was best friends with. We shared intimate details of our lives. And I was never told this story by her, or by anyone else. It never came up. I didn’t see it; I never heard of it happening.”

These are not my opinions, just adding to the discussion.


She remembered being assaulted and it wasn’t a single person who corroborated the story.

Nothing you added changes that.


The two bolded parts have clearly different meanings.


It’s quite common for feelings of guilt and shame to plague the victims of sexual assaults. So a lot of victims don’t open up about those events. It’s entirely believable that Ramirez never told even her best friend about it.


It would be utterly ridiculous to argue that perjury is a worse thing to do than rape. Perjury does, however, have a very special place in the justice system. After all, people commit perjury to get away with rape, or to exonerate others from rape. Basically the truth is a cornerstone holding the rest of the justice system up. Yeah, we expect a shoplifter to lie and say they didn’t shoplift. For a lawyer or a judge, though, it speaks to their fitness. It’s not that it’s worse than violent crimes, it’s that it is utterly disqualifying from being a supreme court judge in it’s own way.

If I imagine an alternate reality where Kavanaugh actually did not sexually harass or assault anyone, but still lied to the committee about the meaning of the term “devil’s triangle” I’d still think that was grounds for impeachment*. If you want to be a supreme court judge you ought to be able to show your commitment to the truth is higher than your fear of momentary embarrassment.

*Fun Fact: Only SCOTUS judge to ever be impeached was impeached for allowing partisanship to get in the way of their rulings. How quaint!


That’s a really excellent point on all points made.


Brat “Throw-Up King” Kavanaugh had THE worse job interview I have EVER seen in my entire life. Angry Drunk didn’t like his white rich boy privilege questioned and threw a hissy fit in public. And STILL got the job because The Fix was IN.

51% of the population is female. How can this “boys will be boys” idiot judge fairly?
he can’t and I don’t trust him.


Quelle surprise.


It’s trolls and goats all the way down.


The Atlantic published an essay adopted from the book. It’s not revelatory in the same way as the times piece, but the authors do describe their investigative technique.

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