New York Times: Brett Kavanaugh thrusting his penis in a woman's face "may seem like harmless fun"

Let’s not blame the wrong people here.

Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly were the ones who did the investigative reporting and penned the new book and linked article (that’s good!) not the ones who wrote the tweet describing his actions as something that sounded like “harmless fun” (that’s bad!)


It’s a play on “If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament” (Providence: a woman cab driver who said it first, and Florynce Kennedy and Gloria Steinem popularized it, many decades before Veep.)


It wasn’t Judy Miller, it was the entire pre-war reporting where the Times failed.

Reporting on economics since the 2008 collapse has been far more establishment propaganda — BS — than anything honest and factual.

There’s been decades of support of the GOP, gratuitous digs at Democrats and legitimatizing of a historically unfit and unqualified POTUS who has created crises while doing little good.

It’s a failure to report that the current SCOTUS majority puts party above the rule of law.

And that’s just off the top of my head.

The Times’ rep rests on an anomalous period where the media rightly called out a leadership that needed to be called out — a period that ended over forty years ago. It lives only a line of BS for marketing purposes.

IMO based on decades of reading the Times.

I don’t expect anything to come of this but it’s a nice thought.


M-O-O-N … that spells “libel.”


Will there ever be any actual consequences for anyone involved in this?

I guess we all need to refocus on making people pay in 2020 at the ballot box? What else can really be done?

Everything we have become trivializes the situation. The fact of his being at work on the first Monday in October is trivial. The fact that nothing will be done against him is now beyond trivial - it is easily dismissed. They have their majority now, which could get insurmountably larger.

I would not begin to defend the plethora of informational crimes and distortions that is the NYT, and yet Michelle Goldberg is capable of this sort of precise description of what has become of us:

*Not that they should, they just do


I can only hope. Back when Kavanaugh was being confirmed people suggested that a person didn’t deserve to have their “life ruined” over things they did in highschool/college. Because they seemed to think not getting a seat on the Supreme Court and being stuck on the next level down was having your life ruined.

I think it’s high time someone showed Kavanaugh what it’s like to have your life ruined.


Alerting authorities to or corroborating a sexual assault might be a better phrasing.

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“You know, when I was in college, my frat buddies were constantly shoving penises in my face. We laughed and laughed. Penises are funny. I mean, who doesn’t love a good penis in the face? Well, apparently some people refuse to see the humor in it, ruining the hole, I mean, whole college experience. To those killjoys, I say, suck it.”

It argues that a provision of the Constitution stating that federal judges and justices “shall hold their offices during good behaviour

Your move, mister Originalist Kavanaugh.


The article seems a little silly to me. I mean, I get impeachment is not possible, but the premise is to ask whether it would be possible to remove Kavanaugh without impeachment if Kavanaugh were in prison for rape. I think if that were the case impeachment might move from impossible to possible.

But I think the best hope to get Kavanaugh out is to have investigations into Kavanaugh’s past reach a point that resignation looks better than continuation. I feel like one goal is to get Kavanaugh off the bench, the other is to make candidates in the future realize that a partisan appointment process can only protect them until the other party gets power and if you are a rapist it’s probably better to put your head down than your hand up. Politely say, “No thank you, I’m happy where I am and don’t need to be on the supreme court.”


I happened to be on a news fast at the time of the Kavanaugh hearings, and nothing I’ve heard since then has made me anything but grateful that I “missed” it.

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This is the incident where the alleged victim says she has no recollection of this ever happening, right?

Nope. That’s yet another incident.


Ah, thanks. Too much penis thrusting to keep track of with this story.