NH primary results show Trump has lost a large swath of the GOP

In the flurry of polling there was one that had results of 35% of republicans (could have been Haley supporters) in New Hampshire would not vote republican if Trump is the candidate. I cannot remember source methodology or anything so take it with a giant pile of salt.


The dictator stuff appears to finally be a bridge to far for my D relatives who were planning to sit out (mainly because their news, a Sinclair channel, continuously says Biden is too old) and they’re back on to vote.

Their arguments don’t hold up but they got angry when I pointed them out. “He’s too old” “Ok, so Trump is 3 years younger and insane, that’s better?” “Um, well…no but…”

I know some of them are new to the voting process but thinking sitting out in protest does anything but help the insane man is a mindboggling idea.


Isn’t that the point of this entry? That they probably won’t?

@angusm 's caveat applies, obviously


If they are Republicans, it’s more likely they just won’t vote or they won’t submit a vote for President while still voting downballot (I know someone like this - they still vote, but just won’t vote for T****). If they are actual independents, then some precentage would probably vote for Biden.


And the protesters would be progressives, again; and they would be beaten and killed by police, again… :rage:


Only time will tell, but a large percentage of Haley supporters are still likely to vote for Trump (based on nothing but my gut feeling). For America’s sake we can hope they decide to sit out the general election altogether. In the 2020 election a large number of voters chose Biden, but also voted for Republicans in down-ballot contests. He’s a winner for the GQP, but a loser for the GOP.

My impression is that part of their difficulty isn’t that it is the loyal GOP diehards that are all in for Trump. His super-maga base is people that are disenchanted with politics and disinterested in democracy. They are personally loyal to Trump and have little loyalty to the GOP. Without Trump, they won’t show up to vote, and without their votes, many districts and several states may well flip Democratic. One of the very few positives I can take from the Trump administration is that after four years of his shit, people got off their ass and voted. Love him or hate him, few are indifferent to him. The problem with that is the fact that many of them believe his “stolen election” lies and so believe that our fundamental system of government IS the problem, one they are willing to destroy to maintain their chosen leader in power.


Meh, don’t care. I vote for the non wannabe dictator candidate because my life depends on it. The nonchalant and dismissive attitude was what get him into the white house anyway. The media keeps conveniently forgetting he got more votes in 2020 than 2016. He lost because there were more people terrified of another 4 years shit show of this orange bastard.


The Know-Nothing 27% is the same base the GOP has been reliant upon since the days of Nixon and the Southern Strategy. Whether they call themselves the Moral Majority or the Tea Party or MAGA, they’re still the same pack of selfish and bigoted authoritarians they’ve always been. They’re not disinterested in politics, they see it as a means of imposing their agenda on others. They vote and always have, unfortunately. The GOP is their chosen and willing vehicle in that endeavour.

The GOP diehards, and those voters who just reflexively tick the box next to the candidate marked “Republican”, fill out most of the other half of the margin. But without the fascist base the party would have been consigned to irrelevance long ago.


Meme Reaction GIF by Robert E Blackmon


To portray MAGAts as disenchanted political outsiders who were suddenly inspired to vote for the GOP because a figure they follow happened to run under the party banner misses the point: in reality, they’ve been integral and essential parts of the Republican apparatus for more than half a century. Heck, “America First” is a callback to the anti-FDR fascist appeasers of the late 1930s.

It doesn’t matter if Biff is loathed by the Republican establishment or by party stalwart voters; their main goal is getting into office and they know they can’t do that without placating the Know-Nothings.


One caveat I’ll add to that is that there were some who didn’t vote who did come out for trump, but primarily because they did not find the GOP quite extreme enough prior to that. But even then, these weren’t disinterested people, they were just so extreme that their views were not fully articulated until Trump rode into town on a wave of racist crap… But yeah, the majority are indeed the same assholes (or in the same mold) as the silent majority who embraced Reagan, Nixon, Wallace or Goldwater. They’re the party loyalists known as “movement conservatism” who’ve been trying to take over the party for years now. They’re on the verge of winning, and far too many “moderates” in the GOP who refuse to see the truth in that… it’s maddening.


And the main thing about Trump that appeals to these guys is his explicit and extreme anti-immigrant stance. Trump is incapable of enough self-control to play the dog-whistle that GOP politicians have been trying to draw the racists in with so he has attracted fervent adoration from those too stupid to hear or understand the dog whistle racism of the GOP. They scream RINO or “institutionalist” at any Republican that dares to try to get anything done that is not their agenda.

The demographics have been turning against the GOP as it exists for decades and they have been seeking support from ever crazier fringe to avoid policy changes to appeal to any kind of moderate interested in a functioning government. They also have turned up the grievance generating media machine to radicalize as many people as they can.

It is my contention that it those who are not regular voters that went “ALL IN” for Trump that are the reason that the polling in 2016 was so wrong. They were filtered out by pollsters when they adjusted to look only at “likely voters.” I didn’t mean to imply that these people are disinterested in political results, but they are disinterested in political institutions or even democracy in general as a means of achieving them because it has yet to bring them a white ethnostate or a “return” to a version of the 1950s that never existed, except possibly on TV.

They are a greater proportion of the Republican party, but to the super magas they are just more “institutionalists,” seeking to work within the two party political system. Trump sounds like he is willing to burn the whole system down, and that sounds like a great idea to his most fervant followers.


…xenophobic, misogonistic… crap.

I urge caution before celebrating. This poll shows the answers of people who support Nikky Hailey. Of course they are not satisfied with trump nomination.

My biggest fear is that the MAGA contingent isn’t concerned about the general election and they’re hatching another plot.


I just wish he’d fucking die, already. Then we can see how the electorate reacts.

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