NH Republican lawmakers harass female state rep who objected to sexist law

Baby Jesus, “What the fux up with your tiny left hand!? That better not be hereditary!”


The worst people in America are starting to realize they’re the worst, and they’re fighting for their right to be the worst. Fortunately, they’re already a pretty small minority. Unfortunately, they’ve captured one of the major political parties, and gained leverage.


So you are disappointed in the electorate’s algorithmic ability?


We knew that nipples were important in 4th grade. If a boy mentioned seeing a woman’s breasts on TV the first question asked was “Did they show the nipples?” You haven’t really seen a woman’s breast unless you’ve seen the nipple.


I don’t agree that they’re realizing anything. I think they are getting worse and worse without realizing anything, like our drunk uncle who keeps getting drunker and drunker and more lecherous and filthy mouthed.


Infantile sexualizers of milk bags are infantile. I’ve heard that members of some societies think of western men as baby-like because they’re so transfixed by breasts. Seems especially true of conservative men. Which makes sense I guess, since it’s not the first time that “Republican” and “infantile” have appeared together in my mind.




TODO: find a picture of this guy at a beach with his shirt off, and ask if it would be all right for random people to come grab his nipples.


I really need to know why and when did nipples become a threat to moral order in the country?

Didn’t we settle this with Timberlake and Jackson already? Half the country saw her nipple…allow me to add a fantastic and superbly gorgeous nipple, but I digress…no one died. nothing collapsed. world didn’t end.

Debate over. People seeing a nipple doesn’t change things…they just saw a nipple.


And Rep. Moore is admitting he can’t help himself. As @Shuck pointed out above he’s saying, proudly, that if he saw an exposed breast he would have no choice but to commit assault. And he’s equating breastfeeding and assault.

I’d love to see this guy take part in a public debate, but I’m sure that even if he agreed to it he’d simply claim that his words are being misinterpreted. The important, thing, though, is the debate should be public. He’s made it clear he can’t be trusted alone with anyone.


Cory your comments are equally as bigoted, contrite, sexist and are purely inflammatory.

  1. your tag…Christ was an asshole…what does this have to do with Christ? Why don’t you quit being inflamatory!!!
  2. it is just as bigoted to not accept someone’s view point that is different than yours. You turn too words like sexist to belittle those with different points of view without understanding the, much like the author of the article. Perhaps you both should talk to a republican rather than telling then what to believe…that’s prejudiced.
  3. society has repeatedly deemed that women have two private areas. Furthermore, based on the argument that it used to be that men needed to cover their nipples the you can easily say that if the penis and vagina were not relegated to the land of porn then they would not be vulgar or lewd etc.

As far as the troll comments: read the law and proposed changes. They make sense.

You want to make the argument that men and women are equal and as a result should be treated in all circumstances s equal…ha yeah right. Don’t even get me started on that, but just a little taste of the inequality…

  1. I had to sign up for the draft to be eligible for the scholarships in college. Women don’t.
  2. women have the ability to lactate. A normal make does not. Men can reproduce their entire life, women cannot.

People don’t me so open minded that your brain falls out!

I’m going to bet that your communications may go a bit over their heads.

You may want to try something like:
“Trog! Nipple not bad. Nipple good. Not Scary. Is good!”

hmm… Maybe a little too highbrow for them. Try the traditional caveman communication method of a club to the head.


Haha Bobo.
Bam bam. Bam. Bam.

What two areas are that? Cuz in Canadian society I can go topless as much as I please, baby to feed or not. Please, do let me know which of my “areas” are private. One is the mind isn’t it? Can be having the lady folks thinking or godforbid talking!

Also welcome to BoingBoing! I imagine your stay will be very short.


And in Africa or South America I can walk around with my penis hanging out. What’s your point?

Seriously, what is it with bigots and basic education? I haven’t had a grammar class since 7th grade, and that was a very long time ago which means I make mistakes occasionally at this point in my dotage, but it is actually possible to tell the political persuasion of a U.S. voter (of any age) by how poorly they spell and construct sentences.

What is that?


You said: “society has repeatedly deemed that women have two private areas”

What areas are those? Left & right? Nipple & areola? Front and back? There’s just so many areas to choose from! Which two?

Edit to add: I really really want to watch you wander around “Africa or South America” with your penis hanging out. Let me get my gopro first tho ok?


You already answered your own question. Canadian society has their standards and United States theirs. And put it this way…your private areas are those that your mommy and daddy told you to not let a stranger touch.

Boring troll is boring.


Hmm, so you effectively make the point that “private areas” are culturally based. It may indeed be perfectly acceptable for you to walk around with your wang out in various parts of the world, and few would be offended. So, the nipple isn’t inherently something that needs to be hidden (much like your schlong).

I’m going to have to side with the folks arguing here that the argument that the female nipple is some horrible threatening monster that must be hidden, locked up, and controlled, is simply ridiculous. There are many many “western” cultures that seem not to fall apart that don’t view the nipple as anything more than that. Breast feed in public? Not offensive, and certainly not an authorization for assault as the lovely NH rep seems to believe it to be. I guess the argument is that while currently legally considered horrible taboo here in the US, the folks here would argue for a more Canadian or European approach to the boob (and nipple).

and p.s. “Christ what an asshole” is a very commonly used phrase here (almost like people saying “First” on other sites). Indeed a bit blasphemous, taking (I’m guessing) your lord’s name in vain. But used as an expression to proclaim the sheer level of douchebaggery of the subject. If you can’t get over that you’re either 1) going to be perpetually offended here (which may be the goal eh?) or 2) just won’t last long here. If the phrase offends you, feel perfectly free to use “Siddartha what an asshole”. I’ll go on record that most buddhists probably won’t be so uptight about it, and would actually find it a bit funny.