Nikki Haley got 77,761 votes in Georgia, and she wasn't even on the ballot — "a real problem" for MAGA

You’re right that I mentioned it solely for the Nazi exile reference. Sorry to pick on Argentina. It was a poor joke. I don’t hate Argentina, and I’m sure it and its people are lovely.


How about another standby for these situations, Siberia?

No wait, no sense in putting them closer to their other puppet master.



I almost suggested exile to Russia in my apology, but didn’t want to offend any Russians. I guess we’re stuck with them, dang it.


Either my history education is failing me or I’m just a bad student (or both). What were the parties prior to our current DEM and GOP parties and how did the current parties replace them?

Like, was it a slow transformation, or even fast but within the existing party? Kind of like how MAGA is replacing the GOP. Was there some more tumultuous change where some upstart party replaced a failing one in a relatively rapid timeframe?

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I’m sure lots of people aren’t familiar with the party system prior to the modern era, so don’t feel bad.

Not my field or time period (I study the cold war era with a focus on youth/music and subcultures), but the Democratic party emerged out of the Jacksonian era (20s) and prior to the GOP which formed in the 50s, there were the Whigs, which I really can’t tell you much about, other than that they split over the issue of slavery and its expansion westward. The anti-catholics/immigrant Know Nothings rose up briefly to replace it, but the Irish refugees from an Gorta Mor (the great famine in the 1840s) became the backbone of the Democratic party in the north, and the Know Nothings had nothing other than anti-immigration, so they fell apart pretty quickly. The GOP was moderate, anti-slave expansion whigs and the more radical abolitionist wing. It was the disintegration of the second party system

I haven’t read this, so can’t say if it’s any good, but it might have more details about the Whig party if you’re interested in the topic:

Hope that helps!


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