Nikki Haley predicts "unhinged chaos" if Trump wins

She’s not wrong, but when she inevitably loses the nomination she’ll line up to kiss the Orange Turd’s ring like everyone else.


No. They are not the same.

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8 months to go. Anything can happen.
There is a fatigue already setting in, Trump isn’t making news as much. In a month algorithms will start to drop him; Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, because he’ll be boring and not drive user engagement. With that his base will start to shrink.
There is a limit to absurdity that has been reached.

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Broken clock and all that.

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Biden has been in politics for decades, he won’t make any gaffs. His best strategy is to lay low. People like politicians that do nothing, pass no laws, and are hardly seen.

Trump is burning out, he can’t keep topping the insanity to continue grabbing headlines.

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Biden looks completely fine, not concerned at all.

In a head to head health comparison Biden to Trump, Biden is going to come out on top in every category. You have to use Dr. Pill Mill’s statements on Trump’s health to get a different result.

What kind of people? Are there really people out there that are not all in on Trump already that honestly believe Biden is more senile than Trump?


And that only makes Joe Biden… sound sane.

Biden’s fucking campaign slogan right there. “Hey, I may be a doddering old coot, but at least I’m not a doddering old coot who’s completely fucking unhinged!”

Look, I’m not American, so maybe I’m missing something here, but how the fuck are these the only two options? Aren’t there like, 45 or so states that haven’t picked their Democratic candidate yet? Is there any sane reason they can’t just nominate someone else? Is there some serious concern that somebody else might actually do worse against Trump? I can’t imagine how. Seems like everybody who’s not a loony Trump stan hates him enough to vote for a kick in the nuts over Trump, but why the hell should they have to?

In the meantime, gods bless Haley for staying in the race. She’s clearly doomed to lose, but anything that weakens Trump is good for democracy, so.


False equivalency is false. The media have an incentive to make this a close race, and so will try to create a narrative that makes it look like both candidate are on equal footing, by making Biden look bad and Trump look… not like an unhinged fascist foaming at the mouth.

He has a speech impediment (stutter) which he overcame by speaking very carefully. A good politician does that anyway, but it is double for him because unfortunately he cannot show weakness by occasionally stuttering while speaking.

Yes, old people die. Biden is in good shape (he bikes, walks, outwardly has excellent BMI) and has the best medical care in the US. Worrying that he is old is both ageist, but also ignores the fact that trump is also ancient and in far worse shape than Biden.

That is a good question, and one I have never seen a good response to in presidential elections. Who was plan B for Biden the first time around? For Obama? For Clinton? For Carter? For the Shrubs or Reagan? And this is just the ones elected president. Who was McCain’s plan B? Maybe that is in the party bylaws somewhere, but I think once there is a nominee the parties are all in.

Good question. I personally don’t know enough about her and her job as VP to form an opinion on whether she’d be a good President. That is entirely on me for not devoting more attention to her job. But she’s in the Biden administration, and he selected her, so she’s no Dan Quayle. I have faith that she’s up to the job of being president and would have my vote based on that, and not just her being “not trump.”

Your concern is well founded; this election is literally for the soul and future of the US. But rather than buying into false narratives about Biden’s age and vigor we should concentrate on the tangibles, such as his accomplishments and Trump’s open embrace of fascism.


The most frustrating bit of all this: if she’s capable of pointing this out, she’s been capable of it the whole time. She knows what happens in this context and, I guarantee you, would take the opportunity to support Trump and favor her party, regardless. She has benefitted directly from him as an appointee.

I will give some grace to Cheney in that she actually intended to talk herself out of her office, and did. She is, also, really not good for policy, but I can at least entertain that the latter has some (deficient) principles. The former?


If we collectively stop talking about him, he fades REALLY fast, like a fart in a hurricane.

I’d purposely forgot about him and didn’t hear stuff about him for weeks until the trials really ramped up. If you don’t want conservative media, he largely was gone for quite a bit.

Of course. I think everyone here is on board with that.

I don’t have as much faith in a significant portion of Americans, especially considering the two choices that appear to be the apparent ones in November. And doubly so if one of those two choices change. :confused:

And beyond the Presidency, it’s al these god damn goons in congress. They are being beating back in some places, but replacing Neo-Cons with “Freedom Party” chuckle fucks in others. It’s a multi-front battle.

My Brothers in Boing Boing - if you haven’t seen some of the clips out there, and/or are hand waving them away as not being an image problem, you really shouldn’t.

There are so many low-information voters who get their news from memes and social media. Their perception of Biden is going to be skewed.

The general election polls don’t have Biden blowing Trump out of the water by 10 points. In fact Biden is LOSING to Trump by 6 in some of the polls. Now I don’t trust modern polling to tell a very accurate picture, but it is definitely not the result that leads me to think everything is fine.

Despite some actual progressive wins, he is polling low, the Special Council report didn’t do him any favors, characterizing him as a well meaning, forgetful elderly man. His handling of the Israelis in Gaza has managed to piss everyone off. So yeah, some short sighted voters might stay at home to “punish” the Democrats.

But aside from that, like I said, Haley is the Republican’s B plan, if Trump cannot continue for any reason, she will likely be the main candidate, and while in policy she isn’t much different than Trump, I think she should package herself well enough for low information independents to vote for her.

I mean, i agree with your point. It doesn’t really make my worries any less, though.

I am aware and I agree. But he sometimes still can’t form or finish a statement, and it doesn’t look good when you gather a bunch of clips. Everyone can see he has slowed down some, which I am not faulting him for, but like it or not, appearances matter in politics.

And yes, Trump is just as bad (if not worse), but like I said, he talks fast and confidently and that level of bullshitting works on too many people.

It isn’t ageist, it is hoping the Democratic Party has strategized far enough ahead for a possible scenario. Like I said, my dad had a “widow maker” heart attack of the blue. He was on no medication, not diabetic, active daily, and yet it was just luck and quick care he didn’t die.

I’m not ignoring it. I am hoping for it! But if he did, like I said, they have a half way competent replacement and I think she can appeal to some independents.

The first time around, he had the building support via the primaries. There have been cases of presidents not seeking re-election for a 2nd term for one reason or another.

But at the same time, if so much is riding on this election (which we keep saying this is the most important election ever), we can’t just expect that Biden is an automatic win against either Trump or Haley, and if something does happen, what is the back up?

I don’t think they are completely false. The detractors are definitely blowing them out of proportion, using exaggeration, hyperbole, and outright lies. But that is politics and my personal opinion on the matter is not relevant. The really that people are buying into narratives on Biden, false or not, is the issue - and it IS an issue.

The economy is doing darn good right now, he has been a stable leader and pushed through some decent bills that help Americans, and he is overall intelligent and competent - but checking off all the fact boxes doesn’t necessarily translate into votes in November because people are stupid, gullible animals.(no offense to the other animals)

I know I am preaching to the choir here. I completely agree we have to keep harping in Trump’s authoritarian and Fascist rhetoric. But I am just a guy on an internet form, not a Democratic Party leader, and I hope to hell they have a better strategy than “Trumps terrible! Clearly they will vote for Biden!”


Whenever I encounter someone who has fallen for that bullshit, I refer them to Biden’s interview with Heather Cox Richardson. He comes off as humble, empathetic, and articulate. If they won’t spend the time to look at that interview which completely debunks the bullshit, then they were never going to vote for any Democrat, anyway.


It doesn’t even do that, though. It says he presents himself that way without making any determination that it’s true. So even that interpretation of the Hur report is a lie.


I heard an interesting discussion today on NPR with a political historian who pointed out how for decades the GOP has been doing the same thing over and over. One generation of power-hungry old-timers grooms a new generation of more extreme upstarts (the Tea Party for example) which they imagine they’ll be able to exploit–and control–for their own purposes. The new generation then throws their mentors under the bus and cultures its own crop of even wackier upstarts whom they presume to exploit and control.

It’s the old face-eating leopard thing again and again. Finally we’ve reach the point where Mitch McConnell–Mitch McConnell, for God’s sake!–is branded insufficiently extreme by the nutsos he nurtured. To the very end he was sure he could use them and still retain control. We watched Mitch disappear under the wheels with a border bill in which the GOP got everything they wanted while the Dems got nothing. The latest crop of GOP crazies don’t want action, they want destruction. Now they’re floating Ted Cruz as Mitch’s replacement!

All the brown-nosing Reps who “dislike Trump in private” but support him publicly when he says something racist or stupid or fascistic are still telling themselves that if they ride the tiger a bit longer they can exploit the crazies’ power yet be able to stop them going too far. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that plenty of politicians privately disliked Uncle Adolf or Il Duce but believed that if they continued to cling to the coattails they’d become richer and more powerful and still be able to bail out before the steamroller reached them.


It’s well-documented. They tried to assassinate him!


I’ve seen a bunch of videos of Biden delivering sick burns to “FOX News” reporters. I probably hang out in different places.

The media reporting on it didn’t do him any favors. I’ve seen a ton of reporting showing what a hack job the actual report was. Plus a fair amount showing media organizations just running with the bad faith parts as if they were fact.

Fun news, the NYT hasn’t been the “paper of record” for a long time, and should be looked at the same way as “FOX News”. It’s heavily slanted. Add to that, Meet the Press, even with the new host, has continued on the Access Reporting path more than ever. That it is on NBC and not “FOX News” is surprising at this point.

This one does feel like a real concern. We’ve lost the ability to see any nuance and are not seeing the actual picture, just the public parts. Definitely short sighted, as the other guy certainly doesn’t have a better response. Better the one that can be influenced and is closer to what you want than the one that cannot be moved and will be actively worse.

We certainly cannot just assume it’s an easy win. Voter turn out, overcoming voter suppression tactics is the key, more people voting. Same as always.

Getting a stronger message out, and getting the media to report on that stronger message is definitely important. Bonus, Biden’s team can do it without resorting to lies.


Reporting says there are a fair number of them that are scared of political violence from Trump supporters too. They’re holding on now to avoid that violence just as much, maybe more than, to exploit the power.


Ah, Nikki, we’re already at Unhinged Chaos.

If Cheeto Mussolini wins, we’ll be at Flaming Armageddon.


Not if the media is still paying attention to him, no. As long as he has a large swath of the GOP under his thumb, that’s going to continue to be true.

You can’t close your eyes and pretend fascism will disappear. We did this for years with the far right and yet here we are…

Trump has yet to win a popular vote. He doesn’t have anywhere near the support of the majority of Americans. Don’t give in to despair, although I know it looks fucking bleak sometimes.

The Office Yes GIF


Yet, she has said she will pardon Lord Dampnut if she were elected & he were convicted. I don’t see where that would help matters.

It’s good she is pointing out Lord Dampnut’s obvious shortcomings, but at this point it looks to be too little, too late.
Not that the True Believers were ever going to vote for her, but attacking Lord Dampnut didn’t seem to help Christie much in the primaries.

I would love to see Uncle Joe’s campaign put out an ad with a montage of every current GOP ass-kissers’ opinions of Lord Dampnut before they got on their knees.

Lord Dampnut’s NATO remarks were nothing less than a declaration of his intent to commit treason, since an attack on any NATO member is to be regarded as an attack on them all.

When he denied being Putin’s Puppet, that’s all the proof any of us needed to know it was true.

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Look, I agree with you. It doesn’t matter that I know there are coherent examples and zingers he has been able to make come backs with. The fact is a 6 minute coherent, boring interview doesn’t go viral, its a 15-30 sec flub. What are the low information, low enthusiasm voters most likely going to be exposed to?

Again, I don’t think he is actually mentally incompetent. But for crying out loud, do you all remember when Howard Dean yelled a little to weird and a little too loud and turned people off? Politics rarely rely on 100% rational judgement.

He doesn’t have to, with the way the game is rigged.

I mean, Biden’s approval rating is at 38%, so they aren’t exactly super supportive of him either. But yes, I agree the overall support for Trump is less than for “anyone else”. Depending on which states he wins, that may not matter. :confused:

I am not in despair per se, but much like OT at the Super Bowl with the Chiefs down 3 points, it is way too close for my comfort.

Hopefully he will maintain his health and the positive PR machine can make some strides. Hopefully Trump continues to decline.Hopefully as we get closer to election day people who may not be super excited about Biden will see him as clearly the better choice, and the polling and approval ratings will reflect that. Hopefully those people will actually go out and vote, vs stay home. And hopefully there isn’t some other event out of everyone else’s control that throws a monkey wrench into everything. :confused: