Nikki Haley predicts "unhinged chaos" if Trump wins


(Yeah, this comment won’t stay up long.)

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Yes, I’m aware, but my point was that the majority of people in this country who vote (or can vote) don’t want this shit. Let’s stop acting like Trump represents some kind of mythical silent majority and remind those fascist fuckers that they are not, in fact, the majority here.

That doesn’t mean that those same people approve of Trump, though. Many people on the left were never on board with Biden, and now lots of people are (rightfully, honestly) pissed about Gaza. Lots of those people will still hold their nose and vote for him, because they understand the stakes…

You know what we gotta do, then right? :+1: That’s how we win, by doing whatever we can to ensure that Trump loses… But as @DukeTrout noted above, he seems pretty together in his interview with HCR, so some good amount of this stuff likely FUD…

And let me also say that if something happens to Biden while he’s in office, there are redundancies in place to deal with that. If for any reason, he can’t perform his duties… well, there is a VP to take over. I kind of think that all this pearl clutching is forgetting that very important point. Trump made the presidency more fragile, for sure, but for normal kinds of shit (like a president being ill or even dying in office) we know what happens then and it’s not going to all fall apart like it very well might if we get another 4 years of Trump…


My point is, anyone who buys the bullshit without digging deeper was going to vote for T**** anyway. Don’t worry about them.

Also, if that’s the case, you might want to check this:

In response to assertions that Biden is incompetent?

@anothernewbbaccount what is confusing? It’s well documented that many of Hitler’s advisors disliked, mistrusted, or looked down on him. So much so, several conspired to attempt to assassinate him. Don’t trust me, you can look it up.


Umm - my point was an entirely different one (which I could not be more explicit about, here, because, as indirectly made as it is, it could still get flagged).

Not sure how you figured a ‘thinking’ emoji meant I was confused or disbelieving that there were assassination attempts on Hitler.

Quite the contrary.

Is it really chaos if he’s cribbing from a previous event?


She’ll still vote for him if he gets the nomination.


“It won’t be that bad!”

It isn’t unhinged chaos you should worry about, it’s the shit they tell you they have already planned out that is the problem. Take it seriously.


I was close r/t style.

So you posted a very ambiguous post, admit it was ambiguous, but then also wonder how I found it confusing?



Uhhhh, do we really really have to get on the Hide/Ban/Censor/Destroy Historical Facts Bandwagon… even if it wasn’t already overloaded with evil smelly conservatives?


You left out dastardly.


I never said or implied they were the same. :man_shrugging:


Again, quite the contrary. Apologies for the confusion. At the risk of clarification being flagged, swiftly, for being against BBS rules…

@anon76551318 noted that there seemed to be many brown-nosing Reps who dislike Trump in private but clung to the coat-tails for the perceived benefits (brown-nosing with a clothes peg on their nose, one might say) and mooted that no doubt some of Uncle Adolf or Il Duce’s followers behaved the same, hoping to get out before the crazy became too crazy.

@DukeTrout confirmed as a much by noting that in Hitler’s case, these people went as far as trying to to assassinate him.

So I was ‘thinking’ (emoji-wise, 'cos to come out and say it would probably get flagged) that - well, let’s just say that it represented a chain of events worth thinking about. You know, in the context of how history sometimes repeats itself. But with ‘trying to’ ending up as a different verb.

(It did not occur to me for a moment that thinking about something signified disagreement. My bad. I should have sailed closer to the wind to avoid that.)

If I gave you the impression I think that, let me be clear that I don’t. That doesn’t mean there isn’t the real possibility he still gets elected.

Right. I hope enough of them do, and they don’t just sit at home.On paper Trump shouldn’t win, but we said that 2016 too. Hopefully the closer to November we get, Trump will continue his fascist rhetoric, and even if you don’t like how, for example, Biden handled Gaza, you will realize how much worse Trump is on election day.

Like I said, I’d vote for a Pickled Person, or a Golden Retriever with only one brain cell over Trump.

I’ll be voting. I have even been voting in the smaller local elections more regularly.

I am not worried about his duties being taken over while in office. I am a little worried (and it isn’t at the forefront, just something that pops into your head late at night trying to sleep) about Kamala being able to win an election.But then again she may still win because, as pointed out above, the other option is terrible and you vote for anyone else to avoid it.

I don’t think that Biden is incompetent. He definitely has age related issues. And again, I don’t fault him for that. My dad is 78 and has slowed down, but he isn’t incompetent. You can compare his speech and mannerisms to when he was VP. This sort of thing is being used against him. Again, he could be talking for 10 minutes just fine, but the thing that goes viral is some mix-up or mistake. It isn’t just social media, but mainstream media and comedy shows poking fun at it. Politics is so much about image, and they really need to be aware and keep on top of it.

(Normally they SHOULD be taking swipes at the President, that is kinda their job, but with the stakes on the line, they maybe should lay off him for awhile.)

Yep. Exactly. As Mindy pointed out, the media has a motivation to make the race close and exciting, and conflict or trouble promotes views.


So yes, the solution is to vote in November. Encourage other people to vote in November.And hope that Biden provides a favorable image that gets people out to vote for him. :crossed_fingers:


I’m wondering what happens if either POTUS candidate can’t serve/be inaugurated, once the ballots (for November) are printed. I don’t think it’s as simple as “well, this person is the VP candidate and would’ve succeeded him anyway” and it might vary from one state to another. I recall a state-level election where the candidate had died prior to the election, but the die was cast & he won the vote anyway. I can’t remember what they did about it.

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A quick search, leads to a Brookings Institution article from last September. They broke down all the differences depending on when it happens between September 2023 and up to inauguration day. The options are surprisingly varried.

From my search, it happens way more often than I would have thought. For state elections, having a new special election seems to be what happens.

Now it makes a lot more sense. I’d say, noting that history repeats itself is completely fair game.


That’s the trouble with the “thinking” emoji. The hypertext says “thinking”, but the expression on the emoji’s face reads to many people as “I don’t believe you” or “skeptical” or “judging”. I’ve even seen the use of the thinking emoji described as being passive aggressive.

Here’s a quote of Jeremy Burge, founder of Emojipedia, from an article in Esquire titled “The Thinking Face Emoji Is the Symbol of Our Time

“Personally, I enjoy the way that every platform managed to convey this emoji with an expression that is both thinking and judging at the same time,” Burge says. “It’s not a ‘light bulb above the head’ or ‘thought bubble’ thinker. The raised eyebrow really suggests that this emoji is really for conveying disapproval of an idea, or, ‘I don’t really think that’s the case.’ It is sometimes expressing doubt, sometimes bemusement, sometimes just wondering what the hell is going on. Let’s also not forget sneering or throwing shade—I think that usage might be contributing to its increased popularity recently, reflecting rampant whataboutism.”


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