No-masker denied service demands to speak to "corporate"

Man, I can’t watch. This is like weapon grade cringe right here.

Every store/business around here has a ‘mask required’ poster on the front doot.

Here is where it fails. They do nothing when a no-masker walks in.
It doesn’t help when the cheap corporate hoor of a Governor has removed enforcement powers from the county judges in Texas.
It also doesn’t help when the Lt. Gov. (a.k.a. ‘Taliban Dan’) has openly said that older people should happily sacrifice themselves for the sake of the economy.

Meh. They are easily-replaceable cogs in the Machine, if they don’t like it, they can pull themselves up by their bootstraps, etc, etc, etc.
You know, the same litany of bullshit we’ve been fed for 40 years…

IANAL, but I am pretty sure that threatening someone with harm is assault; I seem to remember that the definition of ‘terrorism’ consists of making others fearful of suffering harm.
Or something like that.
Perhaps someone with actual expertise will chime in.

Maybe mix some skunk scent & indelible dye in there as well. Flourescent Orange would be appropriate.

It seems that too damn many cops are on board with the whole Q/Insurrection/Fascism thing, so I would expect no help from that quarter.


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