Noah Kalina's new selfie video: 7777 days time-lapsed into a short video

Originally published at: Noah Kalina's new selfie video: 7777 days time-lapsed into a short video | Boing Boing


I’ve always enjoyed this project, but this latest iteration is almost TOO smooth. The video description mentions that in this version, any given frame actually “shows the average face of the last 60 faces”, which is cool I guess, but it’s not really “1 selfie a day” anymore. I miss seeing the background! And the hair flopping around!


Amazing stabilization.

Oooh all it needs is some sparkly bits and crack-pop-sizzle effects and it’s like taking acid and staring in to a mirror.

Ah, I was wondering how he had never cut himself on his face at all in 20 years.

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Ah that explains why he looks old at the beginning…

That’s what the horse said

I’ll see myself out etc.

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