North Korean escapee makes heartfelt plea to Trump to hold Kim Jong-un accountable for his atrocities

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But what does it really mean “to hold Kim Jong-Un accountable”? Regime change? Besides the mythical WMDs, reports of former Iraqi political prisoners were used as an excuse to overthrow Saddam Hussein. That worked out well, right?


Appealing to Donald Trump’s sense of decency, fair play, or compassion is like telling a great white shark biting your leg off to just stop.


“As an example they have great beaches. You see that whenever they’re exploding their cannons into the ocean. I said, boy, look at that view. Wouldn’t that make a great condo? And I explained, I said, you know, instead of doing that you could have the best hotels in the world right there. Think of it from a real estate perspective. You have South Korea, you have China, and they own the land in the middle. How bad is that, right? It’s great.”


Then Kim just brings up Guantanamo and US torture of prisoners. Then they can boast about how they violate human rights like the ending scene in Animal Farm.


My guess is that Trump has nothing but disdain for that person. I would not be surprised if one of the things discussed was an extradition agreement.

And Trump doesn’t like people that are “captured” iirc so he probably hates the entire NK population because Trump seems to use cognitive dissonance to grow stronger.

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Its a sad reality that if you don’t make peace with your enemies, then both your side and their side will continue to suffer, regardless of how nasty the enemy are, its still better to go that way.

The alternative is for the US to attack North Korea, and install their own government. But that would kill millions of normal NK people while Kim gets a life long holiday in Switzerland.


Yeonmi Park:

Note that this was written in 2014, and published by a mainstream Japanese-Australian news magazine.


Asking the current administration, which is literally looking to separate migrant children from their families and house them in tent cities, to do something like hold literally anyone accountable for anything is sort of crazy.

I understand that it’s drawing attention to the plight of N. Korea’s citizens, but c’mon.



(One word of dismissal is literally all the time and effort Trump will put into any effort at gaining compassion from him and I’m 100% convinced the reasons are pathological and irreversible.)


Yeah - sorry - not going to happen. The only way this will ever happen is a coup in NK.

In this case the WMDs are real. So are the atrocities.
Lord Dampnut will hold Lil Kim “accountable” by tonguing his cloaca even harder and copying his techniques here in Trumpmerica.

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I met Yeonmi Park. (Well, I stood in line to have her sign a book after I heard her speak.)

I would much rather meet her than meet Donald Trump.


I had a discussion about this very same thing with a friend of mine that’s currently in the military. I have concerns and doubts about North Korea because the regime has committed incredible and numerous crimes against its own people, and IF the regime were to reach some accord and open up its borders, etc, all of the atrocities will come to light. Will the international community keep a willing blind eye to it in the name of peace? Will all of the leadership be given a free pass? I find this hard to believe. To me the logical solution is for North Korea to completely collapse and hold the military and leadership accountable for decades of abuse.

Unfortunately, I can’t watch the video right now. Taking her story and the human rights abuses as true, what then? Sanctions don’t seem terribly helpful. Stern words aren’t going to do it. That leaves what, war? That doesn’t have a great track record either. Sometimes there aren’t good options.


If trump was half the man he purports to be he would have strangled that douche bag while they were alone.

You see how thick Kim’s neck is? And those tiny hands?

But jokes aside, yeah, no, you don’t want that. You think it is bad now, wait until there is a power vacuum.

I’m not saying it would be smart to do - thats why I could see trump doing it - if he had balls.

To solve the North Korean situation? No idea.

But the thing is, he could at least spare us the spectacle of hearing the president of the US basically kiss the ass of the murderous piece of shit, describe him as somebody that “loves his country” and is remarkable for inheriting the rule of the last Stalinist-like kingdom on Earth.

Diplomacy doesnt require you to become their cheerleader.

So this is the times we live in. When the president of the US is friendly and even sycophantic to murderous totalitarian assholes, but reserves his hatred and insults for close allies that are democracies.

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That would be nice. Not sure it will happen. He really does have this dictator admiration thing deeply engrained.

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