Not a creepy photo at all: 'Merry Christmas from President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump'

Looking at this again, am I the only one who sees a reference to the bloody elevators in The Shining or am I just projecting?

(ETA: I see a lot of other people are getting the same vibe, I should read the comments before posting haha)


oh snap! I just commented about how this reminded me of the bloody elevator scene in The Shining, hadn’t thought of this one! I guess it wasn’t just me lol

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He should have replaced the portrait with something trumpier…


love it!


I think it’s the scaling. They look too short for the image, and their feet look like they’re really standing on a slight slope.

I’ve been trying to find pictures of other people in the same position, to no avail.


I’m surprised Tromp was okay with his wife dressing up “like a man” (as most Repubbies would likely put it).


It definitely looks fake to me. Look closely at the reflection of their legs on the marble floor on the large version.

It’s her knees, and the lower part of his legs…not lined up at all. And the pasted-on leg “reflections” are on top of the carpet…crudely cut off, and not in the right place. Am I just seeing things?

His legs and feet are blurry, but the carpet trim nearby is crisp.

The shadow behind them on that marble panel…yeah, there’s no way that’s real.


Absolutely. Needs tricycles.


Isn’t he supposed to be like 6 foot 3 ?
Did they photoshop away a stair-riser?

And I’m not sure about the elevator scene. What got me freaked was the framed picture on the wall behind them which is the scene we’re looking at, which also contains another pic, doppler style. Or whatever it’s called when mirrors face each other.

Hellishly weird.


The Queen looks embarrassed to be in the photo with him.


The Dark Lord was already satisfied with the sacrifice of over 300,000 Americans. No need for blood red trees and the souls of Guatemalan ICE detainees this year.


They made him look thinner, did they mess with his hands as well?


Truman is usually regarded in the top five presidents of all time. We have to scramble to find other presidents comparable to Trump’s place at the bottom.

I came here to say the same thing. That whole family thrives on attention, good or bad. Just ignore them.


Just creeeeeepy…

At the very least, you’d have new mattress/boxspring, no? Just the idea of sleeping on the same material T slept on, is repulsive. Then again, T probably brought in, and is taking out, his own custom-made gold-plated monstrosity on which to rest his Jabbaesque bulk.

I think it’s less some secret message and more they couldn’t be bothered to do anything better, because they are on the way out.

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He’s getting the shot though.

edit: there is something strange about the feet. They don’t seem to be properly standing on the steps. Like they were pasted on to a template.

Ah, I see Trump’s got his plastic Uncanny Valley smile he uses when he’s pretending to be human.

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is it just me, or did the Donald lose weight since his COVID? Somehow, his shoulders got less wide. You can tell by his hands. They are closer together with arms down, in the blue outline in the picture above.