Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/07/11/not-first-rodeo-for-gun-toting.html
Golly, and they seemed like such a sweet couple.
No matter what else these folks are, mostly they are just aholes.
The way things are going these days, it wouldn’t surprise me if the headline meant they literally brandished firearms at an actual rodeo.
“Those clowns were threatening to invade our personal space!!”
Edit: I’m an idiot and can’t keep my ‘gun-brandishing racists incidents’ straight. Was thinking of the woman puling a gun at Chipotle for the comment below. Ignore and move on. Also, absolutely, fuck both the wife and husband.
Despite any other ass-shittery he has done, the husband seemed pretty reasonable in the video of the gun incident, trying to deescalate by getting his wife in the car.*
Treating couples as a single unit is a pet peeve of mine, and lumping the two together when only the wife lost her shit doesn’t really make me a fan of the ‘gun-toting couple’ label
*It’s not clear what exactly happens at the end when they are pulling out - there is a chance that he drove into the older woman and guy, if that turns out to be the case then I fully withdraw the above
What kind of device was in his hands during that incident, again?
Your personal pet peeves are irrelevant in this discussion, frankly.
Both individuals seem to demonstrate a noticeable pattern of being bigoted assholes.
That Caravaggio pastiche curdled my milk.
It’s amazing how they simultaneously have no regard for other people’s property (e.g. smashing up a bee hive outside their property, claiming neighborhood property as their own) but are also feel justified in being so wildly, aggressively “defensive” about their own. That they’re so concerned about other people telling supposed untruths about them, yet clearly all the claims they made about the protestors and what they supposedly said were lies. Actually, I guess that’s all just “being an asshole.”
Still, it amused me that the slight “trespass” the protestors committed was on a piece of neighborhood land that the couple have claimed as their own, under squatter’s rights. And their own argument for squatter’s rights was… they aggressively threaten everyone who “trespasses” on it, with guns. Really, they should have been in jail a long time ago.
So why the hell did they move into an area of town that is well known to be the gay neighborhood as well as hosting the pride parede (well the parade was there when I left for the great PNW)?
Yeah it is a nice mansion and all but if you hate the gays buying there of all places is mindbogglingly stupid.
It’s an extension of the “if you hate Native Americans so much then why did you move into their neighborhood in the first place?” mentality.
You are talking about a different incident - that was in Michigan - this was the two who both had guns pointed at protesters - the husband in this case was using an ak-47.
Yeah, both collectively and individually. They were pretty clearly joint partners in much of this shit. The bits where they weren’t (her trying to keep gay couples out of the neighborhood) were sufficiently egregious that one would reasonably judge their spouse for being married to them, as it indicates what values they both hold. It’s weird to claim the husband “deescalated” the situation when he showed up with a fucking semi-automatic rifle. He went on tv and lied about the protestors afterwards to play the victim, too. He’s most likely the one who broke the gate (as video showed it was undamaged after the protestors went through it), as he has form for breaking shit.
Aand… we’ve reached a point in this timeline where folks can truly learn an important life lesson from a green piece of foam with an arm up it’s ass.
I hate this timeline.
Perhaps that’s because the person making that claim is conflating two different stories of obnoxious White couples with excessive privilege brandishing lethal weapons at unarmed folks of color.
I get it that this bullshit happens so damn often it’s easy to get mixed up, but if you’re gonna play devil’s advocate, at least pay attention to which pair of bigoted assholes that you’re automatically defending.
Entitlement. Can we say ‘entitlement’ children? I think we can.