Noted fūcking moron Trump angry at reports Tillerson called him 'fūcking moron'

“He hated it when you called him a moron. All morons hate it when you call them a moron.”

-Catcher in the Rye


I’d be more worried by anyone in a responsible position who doesn’t think Donald’s a moron or equivalent because, you know, he’s pretty stupid and anyone who can’t realize that, well, not good.


The thing is, in most administrations where the (usually hereditary) official head needs a responsible official to change his nappy and burp him, there’s usually an evil-but-competent Grand Vizier to say “What his Imperial Majesty, may he live for a thousand years really intended to say was…”
A lot of past empires would have had a much shorter duration had there been Twitter.


Lol. I always call him “trash boy” or some variation of that, but I’m totally going to use "baby caca’.

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Sadly, the drain will keep circling until 45 or his handlers decide to start a war. Then anyone who opposes is a traitor who doesn’t support the troops. And then lots of good, competent people die to cover up this one bad guy’s incompetence.

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What are the odds he’d fuck up that as well?


This story was leaked by “senior White House officials”.

So: which faction within the administration wants Tillerson gone, and why?

Fucking OVER he does pretty good though. The best!


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