Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2017/10/05/trump-is-a-fckng-moron.html
Eh. Is he actually furious, or does he think that letting everyone know that he was furious makes for good TV? Either way, the next contestant for the show is undoubtedly being auditioned.
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck…
Tillerson has realized that he’s never gonna see those revenues from the Russian oilfields.
I’m curious how ol Rex got the job in the first place. I suspect it went something like this… Pootypoot sez to deniable 3rd party cut out “I sure would like to have this oil deal go thru… maybe you could mention to our dear comrade Paul Mmmhmmhmt that Friend of Russia Rex Tillerson would love the chance to get these sanctions lifted so we can all make a lot of money. mmmm hmmmm? Secretary of State is very lucrative position or so Mrs HC’s emails tells me… (wink!)” Da.
Trump took exception to the implication that he is a moron.
Meanwhile Melania took exception to the implication he is still capable of fūcking.
That’s how most of the senior appointees got their jobs … an indirect “suggestion” to Il Douche from one of his Russian oligarch creditors about the most luxurious, really the best person for a particular job (said “suggestion” originating from another “suggestion” by Putin, at whose sufferance said oligarchs continue to do “beeznus”). Once Manafort was in place the process became easier, and Page and Flynn and Gorka and Tillerson and Bannon were all put in place to do their part in helping the “Russkiy Mir” reach its full potential.
Right-wing authoritarians being who they are, the petty sniping and jockeying for power within this vulgar faux Versailles would be delicious to consume, except for all the damage they’re doing to the country.
Well, he can sure go fūck himself.
This administration is leaking like a very leaky thing indeed, isn’t it?
The truth hurts.
It takes a truly fucking moron to get angry about a rumor that someone called you a fucking moron.
Fuck that useless orange bag of shit. Millions of people call him worse things every day. Get over it baby caca.
This is how you produce a reality television show, nay?
Trump’s catheter?
And fucks over any woman very violently like a duck.
In private, however, Trump was “furious” about
the reportEVERYTHING!!!
The National Fucking Moron Association’s members are angry at being associated with an idiot of Trump’s caliber. “He barely qualifies as an imbecile,” fumes its chief.