Originally published at: NRA-owned senator tries to escape through locked door to avoid CNN reporter's question about gun laws | Boing Boing
He seems to share the Uvalde PD’s view of bravery in the face of adversity.
Lots of big talk from these types until things get real. The quote from The Maltese Falcon applies to all of these types: “the cheaper the crook, the gaudier the patter.”
The only way to stop a good guy with a question…
From the department of cosmic justice we dream of senator Ronald Harold Johnson experiencing the afterlife as an infinite hall of locked doors being eternally pursued by ceaseless questions about his selfishly pernicious political decisions
Wow, what a leader! What a brave American! What a shining example for our children! Boy, I wish I could grow up to do important things like him one day! What a very low form of life.
Nice try, Manu. Next time, you might as well be more direct: “Senator, you’re bought and paid for by the National Rifle Association. There’s no chance in hell you’ll ever even consider any kind of gun control legislation, correct?” Maybe you’ll get him to at least yell something incoherent at you.
Please let it be a coat closet… Please let it be a coat closet…
Aw balls
Needs the “Brave Sir Robin” treatment…
Wasn’t the NRA completely kaput right about a year ago?
I might have thought it was a convenient boogeyperson at this point.
He’s a busy man. On his way to find Hilary’s emails, no doubt.
The primary feelings he should have right now are remorse and shame. Go hide in a corner.
So were there too many doors, or not enough doors?
Say what you will about this worthless, evil jackass. At least he’s honest.
He stays bought…
He doesn’t seem very popular, & he is up for reelection, so let’s hope he is soon out of this job.
Just. Under. 14. Million. Dollars.
And inability to open doors.
So which is it supposed to be, doors kept locked or unlocked?
Not only is it still a thing, but until last February, LaPierre was still the president.
And its horrendous legacy of “from my cold, dead hand” is still very much alive in this benighted country. Even if it disappeared completely tomorrow, it has started a very powerful religion here that will continue on.
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