Nutella riots spread in France

Says the man with all the nutella.

Slightly less surprised to see this happen in France, where retail regulation is stronger than US or UK. E.g. (AFAIK) sales are only allowed in January (and July?), general discounting generally not allowed - only special promotions allowed (and I think the scope for those may be regulated, too). So such a big and unexpected discount, to an audience not used to it, may have been more likely to create a little hysteria.

(Probably needs more research/facts ref the claims above, but my extensive experience there is that ‘the price is the price’ - for example something in the local supermarket costs EXACTLY the same in the weekly local outdoor market when sold directly by the producer. And yes, French supermarkets DO stock a lot of very local produce.)

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What the fuck is wrong with people…



1 cup hazelnuts
12 ounces milk chocolate, chopped
2 tablespoons mild vegetable oil, such as canola
3 tablespoons confectioners’ sugar
1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
3/4 teaspoon salt, more or less depending upon your preference


Ok all y’all in France, in case things get wose over there, you may need to make your own if it’s not safe to go out to buy your next jar of the stuff.

This Gianduja recipe sounds like an even richer step down the spiral that Nutella started:


Because as the world know, US has no violence issues for discounts when the black friday comes…

Aw, come on mate, you can’t compare a fucking flat screen TV or laptop violence to Nutella violence. We all know you’d smack your mama in the mouth for a nice, big TV cheap. You’re only human.

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Saddest part being that now people are think something like nutella is a luxury product, and are ready to fight over €3 bargain… because in our country, but I think more a more in the developped country, €3 is A LOT for A LOT of the population…

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