"Obamacare is law of the land" as replacement fails in House

Here’s my doomsaying narrative:

When Turmp accidentally got elected, and realised he had, at a generous estimate, less than zero knowledge of how to be an elected politician, he didn’t have anyone else to call apart from the Republican establishment. Much like how, in your first week of college, you don’t know how to start making friends except by joining lame clubs and hanging out with people from your dorm.

Two months in, Turmp has fallen out with his first-week friends for good. But there is a social group that’s much more in line with his racist, fascist, batshist, anti-reality talk-radio outlook, and it’s only a matter of time before he starts hanging out with that group exclusively. Caught between Turmp and their fear of primaries from the right, “moderate” Republicans will bow to this new Axis of Teavil, and the executive and legislative branches will merge into a well-oiled death machine, rubber-stamping law after deranged law until civilisation collapses.

The only hope is that this alliance will fall victim to a “too many Hitlers” effect where the participants can’t cooperate because they each want to be seen as the primary destroyer of government.