"Obamacare is law of the land" as replacement fails in House

And manipulators will abandon a figurehead who doesn’t have the figures, if they can.


I hope you’re right.

I just think in this instance there’s little hope of many minds changing. If anything, it just adds to his “US vs THEM” narrative. Sure, we’re going to get a short term dip in his approval rating (if it can go lower) but other than that, I just can’t see this outcome as anything but the best he could have hoped for giving the situation he put himself in regarding healthcare reform.

For a little while there–from his point of view–healthcare was going to be an “US” and he desperately didn’t want that. Now it’s back to being a “THEM” and he’s very, very comfortable using the blame “THEM” dynamic to maximum advantage.


Well played, sir.


Yeah, Romneycare isn’t that amazing, but it still works fine here in MA with our job-killing tax rates and gay veterans parades and the other signs of impending apocalypse all around us, like GE moving here.


what do you expect? tanks are not very sensitive thinkers, one could call them even destructive


He can’t let shit go. It will be bad for this country.


“Oh, God. He got another phone.”
“I thought we fired everyone who was supplying him.”
“Maybe he’s sneaking out at night? Is it possible someone that clumsy and loud could get to the shopping district without being seen?”
“There are rumors that Obama had a pneumatic tube put in. Miller, check that out.”


That is certainly the family values rhetoric they will spout, but I think the answer is simpler and more insidious – people filing as head of household – whether single parents, people caring for the elderly or disabled, or unmarried same- or opposite-sex partners with children are disproportionately marginalized already, and they need to raise taxes on a lot of people (in addition to cutting services) to pay for the massive cuts in the 39% / 35% tax brackets.

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