Obviously fake "paid protester" site sets right wing media aflutter

Easy! They are all fake.

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Going to have to use the republican go to here: “IT’S A FALSE FLAG! WAKE UP SHEEPLE!”


(Obligatory XKCD)


My church isn’t fake. I made it up myself!


Heaven forgive us! ALL IS LOST!


There you go Scientology, there’s your mistake, you need an army, not a navy


A lot of privacy screening operations are outside the US. That might slow down using dodgy DMCA complaints to pry out the actual name/location.

Holy fuck I needed that! That was awesome!

It’s good to know he’s supportive of Peyton Manning:

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‘We changed our mind from supporting the protesters to supporting trump about 30 minutes ago.’ That was awesome.

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It seems to be a reoccurring troll for any protest event. It’s probably a right wing ploy to feed back into their echo chamber.

That is a fabulous quote, I’m stealing it!

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[searches frantically for an animated twirler moth gif]

@AcerPlatanoides mentions above, this is a form of projection. Trump does pay people to support him, so he assumes that other people will also pay for phony supporters. Basically if you are inclined to steal, you will be vigilant against thieves everywhere you go. If you are inclined to lie, you’ll second guess what other people say. If you are happy-go-lucky and figure “to-each-their-own” then you’ll assume good intent from others as well.

[Not meant to imply universality, certainly not everyone does this and not all the time, but it’s amazing how far you can get just assuming everything anyone says about anyone else is projection]


What a pure angel you are not to have ever visited the places on the internet where every other story contains the phrase “false flag operation”.


Elements of the low-information right have a firm conviction that social justice protests are staffed by paid actors (last week, right wing hoaxter/fraudster James O’Keefe was caught trying to manufacture a scandal about this). While there is no evidence that this has ever happened (it is a myth, like voter fraud),

To be fair there is some pretty substantial evidence that social justice protests have paid people to participate:

Not to mention Foval’s remarks which may not be true but are definitely evidence.

Just tryin to keep boingboing out of the “fake news” wolf cry camp. The word “myth” is just a classier version of “fake news”.

I weep for all the MOD files I once had that now are lost.

(No, seriously, there was some cool stuff in there.)

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But can I work from home?


Most satanists don’t worship anything because for the most part these days the point of the Satanic Temple is to level the playing field for atheists and minority religions.

If the evangelicals want to erect monuments to their god on public land or at public expense, they must tolerate all the other religions getting in on that action as well. And hey if they don’t want to share with everyone else, equally, then they can go suck eggs.

The satanists just chose satan because they knew it’d be the best way to force the hand for the country’s dominant religion.


Psychological projection is unconscious. What they’re doing is a tactic. A lame tactic, but largely an intentional one. It’s all they can come up with in lieu of serious arguments.