I didn’t hear about that! But could you blame them with all the construction on Central Campus?
There’s a ton of construction everywhere in Ann Arbor!
I’m sure. I haven’t been back since pre-COVID, but it was bananas even then. I tried to check out some old haunts on South U and it was a disaster. As was Williams. And everywhere. And besides the roadwork, so many tall buildings going up. It’s a different town.
Still a hot mess and will continue to be a hot mess for several more years. Everything is getting re-developed on South U.
Sure, those undulations are unsuspecting students that were swallowed by the living turf. You were warned!
The ones who forgot to walk without rhythm?
Shai Hulud!
“Bless the Maker and His water. Bless the coming and going of Him. May His passage cleanse the world. May He keep the world for His people.”
Illinois is soliciting suggestions for a redesign of the state flag. I guess they finally got tired of the Seal-on-a-bedsheet.
I like this entry. @anon67050589 should recognize it
But, does it mean something that the eagle has a beaver tail?
I see, it’s perfect!
Look at those low rates!
I’ve been following this with some fascination because it’s been all the buzz this weekend. I wouldn’t even call it a brawl so much as a very drunken Farrell (who had apparently downed almost an entire bottle of wine at that point) took a limp swing at Navarro who just kind of brushed it off. (He goes to swing / and he can’t hit?) Navarro even had the wherewithal to turn down the volume on his guitar before setting it down.
The big losers here are the fans that were robbed of a complete show. I hope for the fans’ sake they can get their shit together for the upcoming shows (apparently tonight’s show has been preemptively cancelled).
Paging @wazroth !!!
Hmm, I feel like the rate is creeping up again… Back in the 11-foot-8 days it was about one a month, then after they raised it, it slowed down quite a bit. Now we’re back at around once a month.
Also: “Miracle Movers”, huh? It’s a miracle they didn’t suffer more damage!
I’ll see myself out.
Some of the comments involve even worse puns than yours.