Originally published at: Ohio Right to Life leader says 10-year-old rape victims must be forced to carry their rapist's babies to term | Boing Boing
These rules are always for somebody else’s kid - never theirs.
Difficult?!? Let’s try fatal, you lying ghoul.
Does this woman not understand why we celebrate birthdays? Does she not understand why the birth of a healthy, live child is called a miracle? I’m sure she does, but is do hell-bent on exerting control over women who are not her that she publicly forgets such things.
Also, we cannot scrub the absolute baloneyshit vocabulary of the far-right from public discourse fast enough. “Preborn child” is not a thing, a fetus is. “Unborn child” is not a thing, a fetus is. Correct the christofascists at every opportunity.
If I said what I’m currently thinking, there’s no way it wouldn’t get modded, so this gif will have to suffice:
Describing a 10-year-old child as having a “woman’s body”, and “capable of bearing children”, is fucking disgusting.
Children should not be forced to have children.
It makes me almost physically sick to think of my little 10-year old being forced to carry the baby of someone who raped her and took away her innocence. I honestly don’t think I would be able to restrain myself from violence, regardless of the consequences.
A lot of these forced birthers think pregnancies only occur because of “God’s will.” It happened, therefor God wanted it to happen. Checkmate!
They will never yield to reason or, least of all, compassion.
Yet at the same time, they don’t seem to recognize that a ‘soul’ wouldn’t be implanted in the uterus of someone who intends to get an abortion unless that same God willed it. If he wanted the baby to be born, it would be in someone else’s uterus. No, he wants that soul to go straight to him in heaven. Which means the forced birthers are committing blasphemy, overriding God’s will.
Never forget. Forced birthers hate women. It doesn’t matter what gender they are: they. Hate. Women. They do not see women as actual human beings, but as chattel. They view babies as punishment. The worse the outcome, the better.
They are vile, despicable people, and must be opposed at every turn.
Maybe she would understand it better if you fucking right-wing ghouls weren’t working so hard to prevent children from being exposed to basic sex education.
So much awfulness but this one things stands out for me: That same procedure is not only used for elective abortions, though presumably in another context it is suddenly no longer disgusting. What’s disgusting is that they keep using stuff like this as examples of why the procedure shouldn’t happen (electively) at all. It’s the same procedure they might use if the mother loses the baby even when she wanted one. One might as well give up all types of surgery & other medical procedures, just because they’re bloody or gruesome to watch. If that’s where & why I’m supposed to draw the line then I wouldn’t even get my blood drawn (which, for me, is bad enough).
And we mustn’t forget that in some states the rapist can demand parental rights over the baby. This modern world is ganz upgefuckt.
Fuck off, you harriden you.
We know Texas already does that
“Prosecutors said he sexually abused the victim for approximately a year, beginning when she was only 11 years old.”
“A DNA paternity test was conducted by the University of North Texas Center for Human Identification in Fort Worth, which indicated that there was a “strong likelihood that Rodriguez-Aguirre was the father of the victim’s child,” prosecutors said.”
The fucking prosecutors convicted the rapist of an 11 year old from a paternity test of the child the victim bore.
Yeah words fail me in my absolute disgust for this person.
What the fuck is wrong with these people?
If a woman’s body was designed to have babies, then maybe she could explain why miscarriages happen so frequently?
“when my daughter was ten years old, she cried and begged for […] a baby.”
That statement, in this context… JFC.
And also, NO ONE should be forced to have children.