Oklahoma bill requires"furry" children to be removed from school by parents or animal control

That was my guess as well.

Somehow the Republicans have found a way to take a horrible situation borne out of their own unwillingness to curb gun violence and twisted it into a way to dehumanize Queer kids.


At first I thought the animal control services bit was just this asshole mouthing off about the bill, but nope it’s actually in the bill. There’s no way that can be legal/constitutional, right?


I think the furries should probably shut off this guy’s Facebook account. It’s not like they can’t.




Furries are super welcoming of gayness, transness, and other queerness, so this is basically a slightly stealthy attack on kids displaying any hint of Teh Ghey. I’m sure Mr Humphrey is quite aware of this.

Also, thanks for using an actual photo instead of typing “furry” into Midvomit.


Please help a boomer out: are furry children actually a thing? No judgement, I just don’t know.

Also, animal control? Was she trying to be funny? It doesn’t make sense even in MAGA-stewed dementia.

And that, in a nutshell, is why most “conservative” arguments need to be exposed as the thin veils of fascism they really are. When your desire to “conserve” the status quo means continuing to marginalize and discriminate against groups of people merely because of their existence, then you* are the problem, not them.

(* The royal “you”, not anyone specifically here on BB.)


Arguably it’s more normal for children to like cartoon animal characters than anyone else. Did you never watch bugs bunny or mickey mouse cartoons when you were a child?

There’s a sitcom in this and we’re the test audience.

Yeah, I have to say when I heard about it, I was horrified but also impressed that they managed it. And that’s true for the mere existence of the myth by itself - to actually make legislation premised on that myth, and to have that legislation be this cruel, purely for the sake of cruelty… I mean, it’s possible he knows it’s all a myth and is just cynically trying to capitalize on and spread the myth with his legislation (with the assumption it would never come into play in reality)*, but if he actually believes in it, this amounts to “abuse the kids to own the libs.”

*Which is stupid and horrible - not just because it propagates the myth, but because the law could unintentionally have an impact on real furries, kids playing “let’s pretend,” theater kids performing “Cats,” and who knows who else…


I apologise. I thought it was clear (given the community) that this is terrible for all people caught up in this and that it didn’t need a special disclaimer. I absolutely am taking fascism seriously. At the same time my options of influencing American politics are limited, so I tried to make light of the situation by pointing out the absurd. This is clearly not the space to do it and I didn’t do a good job, so I will refrain from it in the future.

Please view this as a cultural miscommunication rather than the decline of communal values.

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Another thing that’s really disheartening with this move, is that once again, a piece of bad behaviour that we thought was confined to the worst recesses of the internet, is now creeping into the mainstream. Hating furries used to be a meme for the “edgy” part of the internet back in the early 2000s. I suppose the rise of the whole Qanon thing should have been a sign of how the “hateful right-wing meme to public policy” pipeline works.


I was pleasantly surprised a little over a year ago when the Dick Tracy comic strip had a storyline set at a furry convention. Furries were tangential to the plot which focused on an unscrupulous art dealer selling forged animation cels, but then that was what surprised me: furries weren’t ridiculed, nor were they suspects. They were just people who would get help when they needed it. I don’t know how many people read Dick Tracy anymore, but at the time it still felt like a sign of acceptance.

Now things are going backward.



honestly, i’m more stunned that Dick Tracy is even still around!


This is actually pretty incredible.

By requiring animal control for furries, this loser is actually admitting that kids are what they identify as.

So, does this mean trans kids can use the right washroom now?


there might be another reason: money

one of the gop goals is to make public education feel dangerous and difficult. that will push more parents to support vouchers and private schools to funnel public money to private interests

while part of that push is out of racism ( their continuing anger at school desegregation, diversity in general ) and partly out of wanting to control what kids learn ( christian fascism ) it’s also all that cash

anything that works to confuse or scare people about public schools helps that goal


This is worth watching (I think I posted it over in the systems of education thread)… She gets into what conservatives want with regards to their war on education, and you’re right about money playing a role, but also a strong belief in the capitalist system and the “customer is always right” mindset (with parents being the customer when it comes to education, public or private).


That’s pretty cool, actually. (Good representation of the fursuiters too!) More impressive is the use of the term graymuzzle - graymuzzles are either furries who have been in the fandom a significant amount of time or are over a given age. The specifics vary a bit depending upon who’s defining it! (Yeah, I qualify either way, of course.)

Also Eric Graymuzzle looks like one of the standard convention staff you’ll see at almost every convention! (Usually running either Ops or Security.)


Yeah but just wait unil one of those furries orders an alcoholic beverage at the bar and then Tracy goes all Michael-Shannon-in-Boardwalk-Empire on their butts.

I couldn’t didn’t resist: