Oklahoma bill requires"furry" children to be removed from school by parents or animal control

Yes, but keep in mind that furry is a much broader term than is generally presented by the stereotype. It spans from slightly more interested in anthropomorphic animals than your peers to the more kink driven things that come to a lot of people’s minds. In the case of school children, that will skew towards the first option.

Trying and succeeding at cruelty. It is worth remembering that the whole point of this is to buttress their arguments that furries are a threat as part of a deeper anti-trans policy push.

He knows. The decision to include the animal control piece gives away the game very clearly. If we pretend that he had no history of similar bills and just take that piece as stand alone, it doesn’t make sense. Animal control isn’t used for humans and the bill is premised on the students being human. If, on the other hand you take the bill in context with his own previous anti-trans bills and the widespread use of furries to smear trans kids, it makes perfect sense. Turning it into a joke increases its effectiveness as a tool to punish trans kids. By presenting the idea of furries as absurd, tying it to trans issues (note the wording is always identify as animals and it focuses on bathrooms), they can attack trans kids on another front.


The usual queer/transphobia with extra steps.


Point Damon GIF by Pose FX


We have kids in here all the time “being a kitty” or “being a puppy.” A time or three, a lizard or a T. rex. Kids pretend to be animals all the time. This does not make them furries. Not that I expect the fascists to make this distinction. Anything that might be “other” is up for destruction. Period.


When my sister was a toddler, a doctor asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up. Her response, “a frog”.


I think sexualizing children playing so that you can abuse them is the whole point.

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