Oklahoma dads sue bigoted town leaders for endangering their lives

One might expect the townspeople to rail against his former employer, which was –

It wasn’t long before he became the town clerk.

Well, I suppose the next time municipal elections come around, the town will elect someone whose hiring policies better reflect their prejudices – and if the local economy tanks under unqualified leadership, no one will want to live there anymore anyway.

Imagine the horrible treatment their child had in Hitchcock’s schools. Or rather don’t… It makes me boil just pondering it.


Send the Huey P Newton Gun Club.

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Hitchcock’s school closed in the 80s if i remember right fr the OK history site i browsed yesterday.

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John 11:35

That’s the Gospel version. Jesus smacks his damn head will be in a future translation.

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Not my Hitchcock!

Fuck no. It’s not because their child was black. It’s because their child was black and they were a couple of faggots.

They moved there in the midst of the Trump campaign, and the firebombing occurred in May.

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I’m sure the dads being gay probably didn’t help endear the family to the local bigot population either.


Thank you for sharing our fundraiser link! We’ve raised over $3,000 so far. I’ve contacted the attorneys for the family to let them know about our campaign, and I hope people continue to give as little or as much as they can. https://www.gofundme.com/proudparenting


Yep. Hater empowerment positively radiates from the WH.

It has for a number of years now.

How do you think Obama’s WH did that?


Shows how well I read things around here, especially if I don’t read the original article. But clearly this town is Bigot Central.

omg… i totally glazed over the two dads part. self psycho analysis under way…

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that said, this family is heroic. THEY are my America.

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