Oklahoma state representative filed bill to establish Bigfoot hunting season

Yeah, like I said, no offense to Oklahoma, but…
Okay, maybe a little offense to Oklahoma.
(I’m from Kansas; we’re allowed to make fun of Oklahoma.)


Could we just call it the Dick Cheney Law?

Because it allows hunters to shoot people they accidentally mistook for Bigfoot.


I thought it was Small Hands season

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I had some family in (Southern) Oklahoma and the landscape, from my visits, seemed fairly varied and lush to me, rather unlike what I’ve seen of Kansas. On the other hand, even Kansas has its own bigfoot legends… And looking it up, the only state that doesn’t have bigfoot “sightings” is Hawaii (for obvious reasons). Even extremely unlikely places like Rhode Island, Delaware, Maine, Vermont, and Nevada have some. What would seem to be highly unlikely places like Utah, Arizona, etc. have quite a few. Plausibility doesn’t seem to enter into the equation.


Yeah, come to think of it, part of Oklahoma is in the Ozarks (Southeastern Kansas has a tiny little section that is part of the Ozarks as well), but as a proud Kansan, I simply could not pass up an opportunity to riff on Oklahoma.


Nope, it’s a big furry robot, built by some extraterrestrial species that are looking exaclty like humans.


Oh @pesco… why are you focusing on bigfeets instead instead of more important things you could be reporting on DAVID! /s

But seriously… This guy should fuck off.

Protect bigfeets!


If we don’t know whether Bigfoot is really a hominid cousin we shouldn’t be shooting, or a big hairy human we shouldn’t be shooting, or a combination of bears and alcohol (which makes it hard to tell whether it’s really another hunter or other big hairy human you shouldn’t be shooting), then it’s really premature to make it legal to kill them. Especially since they’re an obviously endangered species (assuming they’re not just bears, and I’m also opposed to shooting bears unless you’re really desperate for food or you’re really desperate not to become food.)

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