Omarosa 'believed to have as many as 200' tapes of Trump White House conversations

The presidential Game of Thrones hasn’t even started yet, We are still at the point before the war against the Mad King Aerys II Targaryen.


There’s going to be quite a long queue of staffers lining up to stick that sword in his back.



Where are my sons?



200 files could equally mean 200 day-long tapes. She held her position for a year, which is close to 200 business days plus vacation days… She couldve taped every minute of her working day at the White House.

So, at the beginning of the day, she just turns on the device. During the day, she keeps a short summary of the day’s tasks and who she talked to (which many people do anyway as part of their workflow). At the end of the day, she uploads the file to a harddrive. Not difficult at all to manage. And its a lot easier if its a routine: otherwise, she has to constantly be thinking about whether/when to carry/activate the device; if it’s always on, there’s no choices to be made. Also, impromptu meetings/phonecalls will be recorded automatically without a tell-tale “Just a second…” followed by a suspicious pushing of buttons and shifting of clothing.


Yes, that occurred to me as well, one would never know when something valuable/controversial might be said, so just let it run.

But that also means an entire year of audio to sift through. She would have had to save and label each file with notes, not impossible but I wonder how much time and forethought she had.

President Trump sought to avoid private arbitration in that case, and won the issue on appeal. Bluth specifically cited that decision in her ruling against Trump’s campaign


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You can tell these guys are all villains because they are using ‘tapes’ like Bin Laden did

What is it with the [expletive deleted] White House and [expletive deleted] tapes?

Good thing I copyrighted Omarosé
Anybody want a mimosa made with sparkling Omarosé and orange Kool-Aid


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