Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/03/13/on-nomi.html
6 AM in San Diego, did someone say “drinking game”…
Coincidentally, om-nom-nom is the new Canadian term for getting together for lunch online.
The reliability of the Zoom teleconferencing app is making it suddenly ubiquitous in the news.
I wonder if, like me, they frequently curse its existence. “Reliability”, pshaw.
The future has arrived and its-s-s-s-s-s-s-s glorious!
It’s like a watch party, except it’s a scotch party!
You Don’t No Mi!
Happy Mutants have been ahead of this curve for years.
I’m drinking online now!
Klaus Nomi!
What do you call that feeling when you want to get drunk in your underwear, but not at home?
The weekend?
Liable to cause a breach of the Queen’s peace.
There are queens involved? Definitely sounds like fun now!
The last new Japanese slang about consumption I learned about was 便所飯. This new one’s a lot more cheerful.
The Max Headroom show was actually pretty great but it oddly became completely overshadowed by the Max Headroom phenomenom.

That one is a hoot if you switch Google Translate from Japanese to Chinese.
Don’t they both mean “toilet meal”?