On Trump and totalitarianism

Not sure if Marsupilami is French or Belgian.


What about the Clangers? Let’s all live on an isolated rock far away from Europe.


That image is a work of genius that must be shown to all corners of the internet.


This question I’ve been mulling lately is this: If we do end up living under some type of authoritarian government, then what? What’s your personal strategy for dealing with that? Do you make a fuss, and risk serious harm not only to yourself, but to your family? Do clam up and let evil succeed through your inaction? What steps would you actually take to confront, or adjust to that scenario?

Even setting aside political expression, how do you live with the pure psychological stress and alienation? How do find purpose in life when the society to which you’re supposed to contribute is fundamentally at odds with your values? How do you cope with being forced to pretend loyalty and admiration to something as ugly as what some of Trump’s supporters envision for America? And to do so, potentially, in front of your children?

Mind you, I don’t picture Donald Trump establishing himself as dictator in the next four years — Vladimir Putin he is not — but if this election had demonstrated anything it’s that Americans are uncomfortably receptive to that style of leadership.


I plan to do subversive yet legal things, much as I do now.


This is the highest-rez version I could find:


My brother and I disagree about this one. He told me he’ll stay and fight. I told him that human history endlessly repeats itself so fuck that noise, I’m learning a trade and then high-tailing it the hell outta there for a nation-state that doesn’t have a proprtionately* large standing military and doesn’t live near another nation-state that does. Which narrows the list down to Greenland.

*Quiet, pedants.

Don’t get me wrong, I think my brother is totally morally right. I just don’t care. I’m selfish. I’ll kidnap my partner, my friends, I don’t give a damn. They can thank me later when we’re feasting on whale blubber and lichens while watching the aurora.


Greenland’s not a nation-state, it’s a colony of Denmark or something :-P


I thought about that but figured by the time shit hits the fan in the U.S., Greenland will have become a sovereign nation for its own self-preservation. If it isn’t yet, I’ll help.

It probably helps that Greenland isn’t worth invading, so there’s that.


Greenland is part of Denmark but does not belong to the EU. It’s semi-detached, like the Isle of Man, Jersey, Guernsey and a few others, but unlike them it isn’t (so I understand) a corrupt, Mafia-infested, drug dealing tax haven.
Iceland might be a better bet, but Greenland has possibilities.


If we get Karelia back and get to dominate Sweden for change I am for that.

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Not yet, but those global temmeratchers do be risin’ …


Woombles have always been at war with moomins.


I don’t know why wombles. They are an extremely London-centric thing and not organically British at all. My own grandchildren are far more familiar with Moomins than Wombles.

A Scandinavian/British Moomin co-prosperity sphere. I could get alongside that. Everybody will be required to remain calm in the face of adversity, the Navy will be run by the Hattifatteners, and the whole thing will be run by a lesbian who takes the summer off to live on an island. The Scots have already got Ruth Davidson as a suitable candidate*. The British Leave supporters could devote their energies to keeping out grokes. White supremacists and Swedish motorcycle gangs would all want to leave (Russia is --> that way.)

How do we get it started?

*Edit - to be clear, in terms of who runs the country I am quite gender and sexuality neutral, provided Etonian or PR person isn’t a gender.


New Zealand
Not sure if Eire meets all your criteria


I did not even spot that! Borders in the map are mid-1938, after the Anschluss, but before the Hungarian acquisition of Carpatho-Ukraine from Slovakia.

The Laotian army is pretty small, and involves itself mainly with crushing internal dissent and collaborating in criminal activity with the Vietnamese army.
OK, that would put you beside Vietnam, which does have a proportionately large standing military, but they’re not going to invade Laos because the terrain between the two countries is all vertical.


As a Borrible, I


I’m pretty sure marsupilami was discontinued mainly because he was so difficult to draw.

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Iceland. No military forces (except some [civil] border guard vessels), low crime, highly developed, part of the European economic area but not exactly near it.