On Trump and totalitarianism

The French version might be the Shadoks: Reality is arbitrary and absurd, we are pointless, stupid creatures and our pretensions to wisdom and the pursuit of knowledge are laughably futile.

The episodes on physics and logic are some of the best, but I can’t find translations.

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Germany has the Sandmännchen and the Mainzelmännchen


Until Boris Johnson starts a new Cod War and Iceland acquires the UK to be part of its empire (what’s the Icelandic for “I surrender?”)


something like this but with actual weapons?

the outcome will be partly decided by the UK/EU relationship, the EU has economical interests that the Icelandic EEZ is accessible and I think it’s likely the the EU members will help Iceland.

and the country is part of the NATO and had US troops stationed there in the cold war, it seems likely that another intra-NATO conflict will not be welcomed happily, Turkey/Greece is enough


You’re being serious. I just wanted to post about how our foreign secretary is such a clueless buffoon that he would be able to involve us in a war with Iceland - and lose. Johnson is so incompetent that, had he ever become UK dictator, the surveillance cameras supposed to be watching us would stop working because he forgot to pay the bill.
Watching him being taken down by John Kerry would have been deeply embarrassing had I ever indicated approval of him in any way whatsoever.


The safeguards in our system have more to do with that than reception.


Clearly, I stayed up well beyond my thinking time to give any of these consideration. New Zealand it is!

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I your willing to accept compromises with the proximity of more militaristic nation states Ireland could work, too. Or even Switzerland and Austria: Rather large armies, but reliable and believable neutral.

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He’s done a good job with Trump’s hands, at least.

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I basically want to live where the cost:benefit ratio of invasive military action is high enough to discourage as little as a surveillance drone.

No, it was a gift from the interwebs, Indeed.


Pedantic note: the Cyrillic letter P is actually the Latin letter R. So if Putin’s around you need an interlocked T and П

Unless we’re perhaps suggesting it should be Rasputin…


Yes please dominate us, we have fucked up a lot of our government while Finland have kept working traditions going.

I was #50! See, I do use the like system appropriately. :wink:


As a life member of the Banana Splits Club I approve this message. (paid for by the Witchypoo-Hamburgler anarchist-syndiclism crossover Superpak.)

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Meanwhile, in a wide, brown land, the eternal struggle for supremacy continues…


Thank you for breaking that down, because I had no idea what any of those terms meant, and I was being too lazy to start a query on google.


That was the Trump Pence logo.


Also… Bjork bonus: