Originally published at: One America News anchor Alison Steinberg is happy Fauci got Covid but sad he didn't die | Boing Boing
What a lovely person.
When did middle-school ‘mean girl’ twaddle become acceptable discourse for a newsreader to air? I suppose the answer is 2016, but it seems I missed the moment the switch was flipped.
O(n)AN, for those members of the viewing public who think that Fox News is too liberal and mollycoddling.
Vapid young folks who don’t realize their own mortality…
I know that these folks don’t generally pause to consider the logic of their own statements but if Dr. Fauci did die of Covid-19 wouldn’t that be proof that he was not exaggerating the risk of the virus all this time??
Ms. Steinberg strikes me as the kind of person who celebrates when she hears about new school shootings.
That robot bit gave me enough cringe to last throughout the week.
you know what’s really hilarious? that alison steinberg is considered a “news anchor”. what a fool.
She’s obnoxious, blonde, and she displays her cleavage at every opportunity. She is by definition a MAGA news anchor.
I had no idea who this bobblehead was, but I looked her up, and saw that someone on Twitter described her as “a genetic experiment to see if it’s possible to make a worse Tomi Lahren,” which seems about right. I didn’t think it was possible, but life, uhhh…found a way.
I don’t understand. Is this a real person? What is even going on?
It is so cringy when someone tries to be funny and witty but is not.
Somewhat relatedly, I have never been more disappointed in a disease than when the Abominable Orange survived his bout with COVID-19.
No, wearing glasses does not make you seem smarter.
I don’t like this person, but I don’t wish COVID on her.
When I grew up near Huntington Beach it was a big surfer town. Surfers were pretty chill. They weren’t political, but those that I knew wouldn’t care if you were gay. All that mattered was riding some tasty waves, amiright?
Nor do I. Not that at all.
Oh I’m sure there would be some disqualifying comorbidities they could trot out so as not to blame Covid for his final comeuppance.
A curious disease. It is both lethal and benign in the same person, depending on what one wants to interpret.
She seems nice.
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