Ongoing coronavirus happenings


Letting people know right away what their status is is good, but the government also needs to collect those results to illuminate the whole situation. Also it doesnā€™t sound like itā€™ll say if theyā€™re currently infectious.


Maybe itā€™s someoneā€™s attempt to short-circuit his messaging.


Some kind of metric like

( { life expectancy with the treatment } minus { life expectancy without the treatment } )

would seem reasonable

Itā€™s the ā€œadjustedā€ part thatā€™s the problem

Donā€™t be ā€œadjustingā€ shit, thatā€™s eugenics


"Sara Nelson [president of the Association of Flight Attendants] Says People Are Ready for Solidarityā€ [Sarah Jaffe, The Nation].

Who died on 9/11? It was front-line people and our passengers. Who suffered in the bankruptcies that followed? It was me and my friends. They took our pensions, they slashed our pay by more than 40 percent, diminished our health care, cut our jobs. They put it on our backs. For a lot of people, that meant real personal loss of our homes and cars and stressed marriages and divorces and the pain of telling our kids that they had to do without. Weā€™ve seen this before, and we know exactly what didnā€™t work. We wonā€™t stand for it again. We wonā€™t let that happen to the rest of the country.


When Trump says ā€œpoliticizing the coronavirusā€, what that really means was that people were calling him out when he said something untrue.


Umm, no, I cant even imagine. Nononono. I would not be able to practice like thatā€¦


Issues around resource starvation that have either arisen in other countries or are quickly becoming possible are why itā€™s so important to have discussions around contingency plans when these limits are reached.

There are stories out of Italy of Doctors being left to unilateral and arbitrary decisions on who lives and dies, and IMHO they should not have to bear the burden of that call - they are already going to have to live with enforcing it. No one wants to imagine the scenario of having to choose to let people die, but choosing instead to ignore the possibility or worse, stifle the conversations on them risk leaving these very same heroic caregivers on their own to make these calls.

IMHO, specific guidelines should be worked out now before itā€™s too late.


Fine, but when those guidelines include things that are clearly based not on survivability but other factors commonly trotted out by eugenicists and other bigots, itā€™s fair to call those guidelines out for what they are, and to defend them and support them is support for those things.

Oneā€™s intellectual ability has no bearing on their ability to survive coronavirus, or indeed most transmissible diseases, but is being used in the above noted case as a reason to deny care.


This is my point exactly. If you have never had the experience of walking a parent through the end of life decisions for their child, the intensity is off any normal chart. Now change the situation to ā€œI only have one vent and it is not for you.ā€ That is a burden I would not wish on anyone. The level of PTSD we will see in medical personnel after things like that will cost more of us than the virus ever could. Even considering it gives me the sweats. I said above we have to take the bedside doc out of the decision tree. If that is not done, and we have to make those decisions, we will. Up until we canā€™t do it any more. What comes next does not really bear thinking about too deeply.


The BB store has jumped a whole herd of sharks with some of the recent ads.


Absolutely, and itā€™s why I think more discussion is needed on this point, from every sector. This isnā€™t theory any more, Doctors in some countries are apparently having to, or already have, made these decisions already, and IMHO a lot more people need to be clamoring for clear guidelines before it just defaults to the shoulders of the bedside staff who are already carrying so much of the burden here.


We got a similar letter from our landlord/rental ownership company basically saying ā€œplease donā€™t make this hard on your landlordā€ with an attached document listing ā€œhelpful resourcesā€ like soup kitchens and how to apply for SNAP benefits.

Dear Unicode Consortium, is it too late in the process to fast-track a pitchfork emoji into Unicode 13?