Ongoing coronavirus happenings

Oh wait


They can’t take the same plane, but they let them both breathe the same air? Tsk.


While wearing glasses isn’t as effective as goggles or a shield, it does keep particles (and fingers) away from my eyes. Who knew messing up my vision by spending too much time staring at computer screens would lead to this unexpected benefit? :nerd_face:


We used to joke about the pickle jar:


I’m following up on this because I happened to finally read the comment thread over at reddit and this one gave pertinent info, and is so sweet and scathingly funny in equal measure:

Um, that’s my Whole Foods. I know almost everyone there. This is the nicest group of people in any Whole Foods.

I am disabled and have mobility issues and am in terrible health and constant pain. Every day usually it’s either shop or cook or eat: choose one. That doesn’t lead to healthy cooking. WF isn’t the cheapest option but they do have healthy options when I just can’t cook today.

Once I was in so much pain that they followed me home and put away my groceries for me. I am by myself and on my own, and usually if you have a medical procedure done that requires anesthesia, you can’t drive there and you can’t drive home and you can’t call uber. One time none of my friends could get off work, and one of the cashiers who I at the time had been shoping there for over a decade, she got up early, drove me to the hospital and waited for 2 hours and drove me home and made sure I was safe. Then went in for her shift. I insisted on paying her and she absolutely refused any money.

Those are the people this awful person wants to shoot up if he can’t infect them because he’s slightly inconvenienced.

Also, this is not a ghetto Whole Foods, this is the Highland Park, TX Whole Foods. HP is the richrichrich zip code in Dallas. This is the whitest white person Whole Foods there is.

Basically he just threatened to shoot up the Karen Whole Foods. This is where Karen shops, this is where Karen’s daughter Kayleigh shops, this is where Karen’s mother Susan shops, this is where Karen’s grandmother Gretchen buys her Active Years vitamins. There are nice Karens in the world, and they shop here too.

And this is T-freaking-K, where Karen’s husband works. This fool ain’t gonna work in 1. Dallas and 2. the legal profession ever again.

TLDR he messed with the wrong Whole Foods.


Washington residents report threats after naming businesses that could be violating coronavirus rules

Two Facebook pages during the past week posted names, emails and phone numbers of state residents who had complained to the state about businesses allegedly violating Gov. Jay Inslee’s stay-at-home order. Some of the complainants say the Facebook posts have generated threats of violence and harassment against them.

One group publicizing the names, the Washington Three Percenters, has promoted the stay-at-home protests, and one of its leaders spoke at Saturday’s demonstration.

(The link doesn’t want to onebox.)



i love that the comment about “nurse handbags” and “popularity contests” comes from a poster so insecure in their self worth that their avatar is themselves in camo with a gun.

military cosplay contest. grumble grumble


Wait. So most people worship the hell out of firefighters, cops and the military since 9/11, but when it comes to nurses they get no more than three months of gratitude? I noticed that doctors seem to be exempt from all the animosity. :thinking:


Somewhat unlikely, as the French fruit bat population is somewhat nominal.



Sweden admits failure to protect elderly in care homes

Sweden, whose softer virus approach has garnered international attention, admits it has failed to adequately protect the elderly, with around half of COVID-19 deaths occurring among nursing home residents.


Prescient. Then and now.

(Full disclosure; I’m a huge Dylan fan. :slight_smile: )




THL survey: Elderly most obedient

Finns have had 75 percent less contact with other people on average during the coronavirus situation compared to pre-pandemic times, according to a survey by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare THL.

According to tabloid Iltalehti, nearly four-fifths of respondents said they met no more than three people a day. Adults who responded to the survey had an average of 2.5 social contacts per day.

In a previous survey conducted under normal conditions, the daily number of people met was about ten.

A meeting was defined as one where the respondent had exchanged at least a few words with another person.

Kari Auranen , Professor of Statistics at the University of Turku said the results of the survey explain why the reproduction rate of the coronavirus or the R0 figure dropped to less than one.

The study also revealed that Uusimaa residents had almost 15 per cent fewer physical contacts than those living elsewhere in the country.

Respondents between the ages of 70 and 79 met only half the number of people compared to working-age people. Among the elderly, skin contact including hugs and kisses declined the most — up to 85 percent compared to normal conditions.

The survey of 1,175 people from across the country was conducted by the market research company Taloustutkimus between 21–25. April.

Respondents ranged in age from 18 to 79 years. The data obtained from the survey were compared with the results of a similar study carried out in 2005 under normal social conditions.


Along with much of Northern Europe. Britain and Ireland have been alike in focusing on acute care and failing utterly with care homes.

That and protecting healthcare workers. Don’t make avoidable errors there and the death rate is transformed utterly.


Is it just me or does it seem like authoritarians and nationalists are the ones having the most difficult time dealing with the virus?

I guess Putin is learning that throwing people out of windows is not going to solve this problem.