Ongoing coronavirus happenings

oh it will spread a lot more, I’m sure of it, also people here don’t take a lot of precautions so I’ve been coughed on multiple times now

Plus lots of touching when greeting; maybe that tradition will go away. Meanwhile, I’m supposed to travel to Italy a couple of times between now and June; my main worry is the actual travel part: I don’t want to face quarantine on return.


As long as you stay out of northern Italy you might be alright, I think things will calm down in a couple of weeks as well, maybe our peak has been reached… even though the Italians may be spreading it easily, here in Turin is only 1 confirmed case and already most of the people here are staying home. I’m working with 2 Italians in a pretty multicultural and international office, and they are the most ‘scared’ about it (I’m not from Italy originally), so that is a very Italian thing you should take in account as well

Nor do they fly through the air of their own accord. They must be carried by something, usually mucous and water droplets that were sprayed out by a cough or sneeze. The smallest of those droplets are on average 72 micrometers.

N95 masks filter 95% of particles 0.3 micrometers. So 72 micrometers should equate to virtually 100% stoppage.

But the mask won’t save you from droplets entering your eyes, or from you rubbing them. So, a mask is a part of protection but not the entire solution.


Unfortunately, my obligations are in Tuscany, where there are several confirmed cases.

I see that a bunch of football matches, including Juve-Inter, will be behind closed doors (no fans) this weekend because of the coronavirus. Usually such matches are strange.

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I thought they were cancelled… anyways if anything I could advise you anything it would be to just stay home, it’s not worth it

Meanwhile in Finland, we’ve had a couple of false alarms, and one Chinese tourist in Lapland who had coronavirus, but didn’t infect anyone else. And now, we’ve got a positive case in Helsinki, a woman who most likely caught it in Milan.


Cancel Inter-Juve at this stage of the season? In what parallel universe would that happen?

Yeah, this is what is worrying me. I’d be flying from Pisa to Oslo, where yesterday there were two Italy-related confirmed diagnoses.

My wife will be flying through Copenhagen next week to visit her very elderly father. Denmark just had its first reported case, from someone who had been skiing in Italy (and probably flew through Copenhagen).

The fact that Italy is such a nice place to visit is going to be a real problem for Northern Europe.


An interesting piece about traveling through Asia and dealing with all the virus related effects…


Unconfirmed pet contraction:


That would be interesting but weird considering the specificity these bugs usually have. Of course, if it was that consistently specific, it would still be circulating in bats and we wouldn’t care.


This kind of stuff is unfortunate, but going to become increasingly common as the fear set in. Humans do not handle fear well.


What a bunch of snowflakes


Fauci also emphatically denied reports that the White House is preventing him from speaking publicly about the virus. Vice President Mike Pence’s office had asked him to delay pre-scheduled television hits and seek renewed clearance to do the appearances in the wake of Pence’s appointment as response leader, he said.

He just isn’t allowed to talk to the public until Pence’s office makes sure he isn’t gonna say anything scary.


As a reminder, the virus isn’t airborne. It is transmitted person-to-person via fluids. So the mask isn’t there to stop virus particles, it’s there to stop aerosolized water droplets that contain virus particles.


Just got our copy of the CDC guidelines for testing:

I am disappointed that they are restricting testing as much as they are. Of course, given the lack of sensitivity of the current test kits (30-60%) I am also not sure how much difference it will make. What a mess…


I imagine that there will be a lot of blinking in code involved in his TV appearances.


As the Trump meltdown continues, the world confirms “we are screwed.”