Only CNN "undecided voter" to pick Trump turns out to be longtime Trump guy

You may be accessing the Yankistani edition; if so, click ‘edition’ above where it says The Grauniad, and select UK edition.


Fair enough! In that context, I certainly agree.


in 2022, CNN was bought by a MAGA supporter, john malone



It isn’t journalism so much as just getting a soundbite.


That explains a lot.


Angry Who Is This GIF by Team Coco


As a Brit living in Airstrip One, I sometimes accidentally sideslip into the Australian version of The Grauniad.

It’s an interesting experience, because the language is totally familiar, except a few jarring notes like the Labor Party, but the names are only vaguely recognisable. Like I probably have heard of about 6 important Australian politicians. And the place names range from Richmond to Woolaboolagond /s

However, many of the problems the Aussies face are the same as ours in the UK. This makes me feel an international bond, which is a good thing because in everything which matters there are no national frontiers.

Also the “First Dog On The Moon” comic is awesome.


That is its business model.

Almost 70% of its monthly web traffic comes from outside the UK, with most of that from the potentialy lucrative US market.

“The US market is hugely important for the Daily Mail as well as other international digital publishers and a domain name just doesn’t cut it in ad sales over there,” said one source.


The First Dog on the Moon is Genius!

I quickly click out of the Yankistani edition - I get enough of that elsewhere - I go to The Grauniad for UK and int’l news.

I’ll hafta check out the Strine edition tophat-biggrin

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Yeah - warner bros owns cnn, and its ceo is sir mark thompson.

…and yet, each page of the daily heil is covered in ads and links to their shite sleb/disintegratti gossip stories.


Well the article is 10 years old. And I do not intend to access the site to find out what it currently has.


If you are tired of MailOnline, you are tired of Kim Kardashian’s life

Also from a 10 year old article

That and the relentless fascism.


I saw this segment, and it was clear that this guy was a Trumper. I also listen to a lot of Sarah Longwell’s podcast on The Bulwark where she talks to Undecideds. What a bunch of whiney babies. They’re like people who grew up always having things done for them, and now they’re married, don’t know how to cook, but always complain about what their spouse makes them for dinner. I want to grab them by their collars, and yell “QUIT GRIPING. LEARN A THING. GET INVOLVED. MAKE A CHOICE.”


Malone is an independent director of Warner/Discovery, which means he has no significant ownership stake. Dr. John C. Malone | Warner Bros. Discovery .

The CEO of Warner/Discovery, David Zaslav, did hire Chris Licht away from Late Night with Stephen Colbert to be the president of CNN, with explicit instructions to make CNN “more palatable for conservative [viewers].” David Zaslav - Wikipedia This is despite Zaslav donating more to Democrats than Republicans in the 2020 cycle.

I think it’s more about chasing clicks/viewers than any ideological commitment.


Dood read all yr stuff about polls, he just wants to know about dinner rolls.


I think you have to be a liar and a crook (or extraordinarily gullible) to support the Felon. I have friends that still do and I just can’t wrap my head around it.


I mean, CNN has right wing owners. Why would they want to disclaim something that potentially helps them?


He claims that he told CNN from the beginning that he was a Trump supporter. So someone is lying, and TBH I could see it going either way.


I can’t wrap my head around why anyone would vote for the twatwaffle. Ever. For any position. The minds of his followers are truly alien to me.


I watched this segment when it was broadcast and thought, that guy said he was undecided, but he sounds like he was pretty decided. That said, I don’t know if I would attribute any intent to him more nefarious than overestimating his own potential to change his mind or (more likely) just wanting to be on TV. If he was a plant, that’s one thing, but if he was just another self-described undecided voter who actually has a very strong preference that’s unlikely to change, he’s a member of a pretty big club.


I don’t know… MAGA loyalists pride themselves on how very much they’re tricking us libs all the time, though. They literally think those of us who aren’t following their dear leader are deluded and they seem to spend an inordinate amount of time trying to fool the rest of us.

So, it really isn’t outside the realm of possibility that this guy was tr0lling the network. Let’s not forget that the alt-right is one of Trumps constituencies and that’s precisely what they’re known for.

I don’t know… I guess? People keep going back and forth about the “undecided vote” and how much of the electorate it actually is, but is it really that large a group? It’s hard to know, I think, since most times surveys are taken of a pretty small number of voters/possible voters…

Polling is still not a great way to really know what’s happening I think, and not a great way to figure out who is voting for who.