Only CNN "undecided voter" to pick Trump turns out to be longtime Trump guy

I’d be interested to know what the selection process is for the “undecided voter” panel.

Being on TV is uncut existential validation for some people, so I assume that there are takers for “Hey, we need someone whose qualification is undecided about a thing to spend hours focusing on that thing and then sound uniformed, confused, or indecisive on national television!”; but that seems like a potentially rather weird recruitment pool; especially when you presumably want to filter out the ones purely in it to be on TV, or the would-be sleeper loyalists.

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Not sure I’d trust CNN to vet well anyway.

From Reddit: currently on sale at the CNN store at O’Hare - Trump campaign shirts


Jeez. His comments are like GOP talking points.

In fact they used that “we think he’s not ready yet” on Obama back in 2008, with an actor portraying a black voter.


When the orange one became president he had exactly no relevant experience and it really did show.

For all their talking about Biden being mentally unfit they’ve had two presidents in my life who they had to dance around because they were incompetent and mentally incapable of being president. Reagan the other one btw.

I still don’t think he’s ready, and I also think he’s gone all Ronald Reagan (as in not just your racist great uncle ranting, but when he’s drooling and sleeping at inappropriate times).


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