Oregon GOP Party lies about Capitol riot, saying its a "false flag" to "discredit President Trump"

It’s a Schrodinger’s political position: the Trumpsurrection was simultaneously heroic and a false-flag operation by antifa to make the GOP look bad.


Grand Old Oregon Party? Do they sell candles? :thinking:


With the new “Smells like my asshole” scent.


Well ain’t that a thing.

No, no… clearly they were all antifa and the democrat party, not actually Trump supporters, who were all either at church or working to help the less fortunate or some other saintly pursuit… You really shouldn’t trust the lamestream media to tell you the truth man! /s

But seriously, I don’t know if we can ever make sense of all this. I doubt it.

Because they don’t want to go to jail or ever be held accountable or ever admit they were duped and wrong or that people who disagree with them are not automatically commie scum islamists antifas?


:rofl: good one!

and now I just blew rum out my nose reading that! hoo-HA oh boy! that’s just spot on! man! happy hour funtime action comix!


I mean, seriously, though. They can’t figure out if people who are left of, I don’t know, Hitler are committed Stalinists, or at least cultural marxists, the real fascists, secret Islamists, anarchists of the Black Block variety, or antifa (apparently the worst of the lot).


When I first watched the video there were a few moments I thought to myself, why don’t you shut the door. Maybe they thought they could de-escalate the situation? Maybe they thought just shoving the door shut in the mobs face would just incite the mob to smash through glass door? I’m not inclined to defend cops but do acknowledge they were in a crisis moment and it’s much easier for me to watch a video clip and talk about how I would of done everything perfect when I don’t have psychotic trumpers screaming at me. :man_shrugging:


It’s all left-wing agitators and Antifa operatives.

They have been in sleeper cells for decades - sometimes for their entire adult lives - infiltrating the party under deep cover awaiting the signal for the moment when they’d all arise to make the party look bad. And carrying out a perfect masquerade as Trump supporters all that time.

I mean, why believe what’s right under your nose when there’s a perfectly good conspiracy theory out there?

(Note: Poe’s Law)


When are people (especially in the media and the Democratic Party) going to realize that this is the “mainstream” of the Republican Party? The stream empties into the river, and these folks are now the river.

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It’s important to remember how deep this goes. Oregon was founded as a “white utopia,” and that history is still very much alive.


I think @thomdunn posted this in another story a while back, but here is even more recent history about race and racism in Portland…

It’s very good. It shows how Portlandia was made safe by a coalition of punks, queer folks, immigrant groups, and others against neo-nazis who were tacitly supported by the police.


Stupid people with power. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

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The problem is fascists with power.


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