Out-of-control Texas cop pulls gun on children

so, a bunch of black kids are doing nothing wrong, but something some people don’t like. one of those people who don’t like what they are doing becomes violent (hate crime), the cops are called, at least one cop becomes violent (hate crime).

specific things i found interesting about this video,

  1. the officer had no apparent right to keep telling all the kids to just leave. but he could have insisted they move away from the immediate area (25 feet, go across the street), for his and their safety. and he could have explained why, not just demanded it.

  2. the officer had no right to detain anyone, as far as i can tell. but he attempted to detain them anyway, without being clear to them that they couldn’t leave, legally. and then became violent with them when they did attempt to leave. apparently taking their disregard for his commands personally.

  3. after the officer began assaulting people, some of the youth acted in a appropriately defensive manner, and were then pursued by other officers for doing so. why? were charges pressed against that young man who was cuffed and drug back to where the horrifically abusive officer was kneeling on the young black girl?

  4. i noticed how uncomfortable the abusive officer became when surrounded by young black people, but also how perfectly comfortable he was while a couple of heavier white adults meandered around right near him, and behind him.

  5. it seemed to me that the young people in the video had no idea what was going on, were not receiving clear directions from anyone who could rightly direct them. it also seemed to me that the officers in the video acted the same way…

perhaps it was appropriate for the kids to do nothing in particular. perhaps the officers could have learned from their example and refrained from acting, as no action on either of their parts seemed to be appropriate initially.

if there was a fight, they needed to investigate and address that. if the kids needed to leave, they should have each been addressed and instructed individually and respectfully. and if they needed to leave (as determined by those in authority over the use of the pool), and they were underage, the officers needed to see that each person they expelled from the pool area made it home safely (that means offering rides if necessary).

where was the leadership? where was the authority?

note: authority requires more than just violence, or the ability to forcefully take control of others. it also requires wisdom, and the ability to command responsibly with the permission of those being commanded.


I just read some of that law you referenced, apparently that cop is a terrorist according to Texas Law. But he has a badge, and he only committed a few misdemeanors and felonies, so a paid vacation is an appropriate response /s.



This is getting so common we need a separate listing to track these incidents.


Welp, I havent been torched on BB for a couple of days so…

I think it is important for people to understand that you should not run from the cops! It is their duty to stop you and ask you questions. This is a hard pill to swallow, but I dont see any alternative sceanrios that benefit everyone involved.

Disclaimer: for everyone that is about to go “angry mob” on my statement- I blame everything happening in this video on misguided and dangerous police training, and then on the cop that cant control himself. The kids running from the cops were only one tiny insignificant spark that lit a very dangerous fuse.


also, every time he pointed the butt of his flashlight at one of those kids he should be charged with threatening violence against a child (assuming they are underage).

pointing aggressively at people is well known to be threatening, and a common step leading to violent assaultive action by abusive people.


Guys, I know I´m not telling you anything new here, but you have a huge problem on your hands.


Bad apples don’t fall far from a diseased tree.

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Oh man.

If you’re going to run, you run like your life depends on it (because it very well may).
You can’t let some 37 year old cop with a pile of junk on his belt chase you down.

That cop is a dangerous jackass. He will likely receive a medal.

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Seems to be a huge problem in the LEO community nowadays.

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Doesn’t this video sort of prove that the best thing to do at the first sign of cops is to hightail it out of the area?

If you can make tracks before you’re in the official count of people on the scene, then the cops aren’t likely to shoot you no matter how enraged, abusive, paranoid and violent they are.


Fuck that. If you see a cop, get the fuck out of there as fast as you can. They’ve shown themselves time and again to be dangerous, out of control thugs, not deserving of any respect or co-operation whatsoever.


That’s excellent advice … for white people.


The video proves that if you run, or run your mouth, cops are going to ablige with force.

And by running, you just made yourself the priority target.

There’s also proof if you stand around just doing nothing, cops will respond with force. They’re proof that if you’re a sleeping baby, cops will respond with force.

The input doesn’t matter - cops will always respond with force. The question then becomes how to best avoid the cops who are out to kill you.


I’ll ‘torch’ you to this extent: When 80%+ of your interactions with cops involve being forced to the ground, generally harassed, or maimed/killed via van/car/flashlight/gun/etc., I would surmise that running becomes a reasonable response. If we use Freddie Gray (or any one of many contemporary examples) as an example, he was placed into a van for transport, and he didn’t come out alive. From a van. To be transported a few miles.

As you note, alternative scenarios are few and far between, and people defaulting to running away doesn’t do much to help the situation long-term, but sticking around to be harassed isn’t working out too well, as the video shows.


a good place to start: https://news.vice.com/topic/officer-involved


By running you’re a target. By walking you’re a target. By sitting in your car you’re a target.
Run Logan, run. It’s your best option.