Over 40% of Republicans think Bill Gates is going to implant tracking chips through Covid vaccine

I would prefer that when a vaccine becomes available everyone get it as soon as possible, both for humanitarian reasons and the perfectly selfish preference that they not put me at danger (I’m well past 65) as disease carriers.

HOWEVER to the extent that there are people who for whatever reason are dysfunctional enough to refuse the vaccine, I take comfort in knowing that they’re to some extent biased towards being dysfunctional in their politics, since that acts as a Darwinian filter. However inefficient, at least it’s in the right direction – unlike the relative morbidity and mortality of the people who put their lives on the line caring for us.

I don’t know how many of the dead and permanently harmed so far contracted COVID in the line of what they saw as their duty, but it’s not “zero” and even one is too damned many. It would be fewer, probably a lot, if they’d had the logistical support that is the least that we owe them.