Owner of oldest US brewery wins the hearts of trumpkins

Also Max’s, and Alewife. All three are my gotos when I visit Baltimore.

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Well, I cant get it in Texas anyways.

Considering how many (R)ats have jumped ship in the last month or so, when one jumps ON… it’s pretty bad.


That was my thought. I’d stop buying it, if I ever had bought it. It’s going to be an easy boycott for those West of Kansas.

@Medievalist, I did mention that I grew up in Pottsville not far from Yuengling’s. I was also on the same swim team as Dick Yuengling when we were kids. Dontcha think I might know a little bit more about this than any of the journalists writing about it?

When I was growing up, unions were strong in that part of PA – miners, garment workers, food workers and, yes, teamsters. In that whole time, there was no violence and I only recall a number of strikes; mostly by the teachers union. I was willing to stick by Dick’s story about the de-certification of the union when I read an interview with him (can’t recall in what publication) where he said that the teamsters wanted his shop steward to be someone of the union’s choice rather than someone who had come up through the ranks at the brewery. Many of my friends were on the boycott bandwagon when that happened several years ago, but I shared the article I’d read and stood by the hometown brew.

There were many companies polluting the Schuylkill when I was growing up – primarily mills and dye works and, yes, Yuengling’s. The river smelled like hops and had what looked like beer foam on it when they dumped their stuff in. This was in the 1960’s before the creation of the EPA. If they haven’t “fixed it” from the time of the establishment of the EPA in 1970, do you REALLY believe they’ve actually “fixed it” now, even after paying a fine?

Like you, I worked in Philly. For a long time. The city wage tax drove me nuts, but I paid up. For heaven’s sake, even Pottsville has a city wage tax! Municipalities taxing folks for the income they make in that municipality is nothing new; nor is it confined to Pennsylvania. I’ve had to pay one everywhere I’ve worked except for Washington, DC, because Congress.

Yes, Dick is a typical, deplorable PA voter; but he’s publicly supported Trump, and that is a bridge too far for me. I am boycotting Yuengling’s and will encourage my friends and family to do the same.


and @Mister44
I had this when I was a child

It is technically alcoholic, but 0.5% ABV isn’t classed as alcohol by the government so it can be bought by kids. I doubt you would be able to get drunk on it easily, that 2 litre bottle is about one unit.


And, when he handed it to you did he say; “Here kid, want some beer colored spit?”


One of those times I’m never sure if it’s a typo or an actual thing.


Warm piss? I hear it is about the same thing.

No - but yeah, probably close.


I’ve had it. It tastes like someone poured their room-temperature Coors into your room-temperature Pepsi.

My landlord in Kishinau, Moldova didn’t care about alcohol content. They’d let the kid drink champagne like it was Kool-Aid.


There are just too many beers out there to worry about this one.

I pretty much gave up on Ynglings when I realized they weren’t really a plucky little regional PA brewery that was taking a risk in trying to expand their market into New England one bar at a time. No, they inundated the country like a sudsy tsunami with so much expensive marketing I just couldn’t stomach it.

But I stop drinking brands for all sorts of reasons. When AB or Miller subsumes a brewery I enjoy I often give them up since I doubt either of those guys really needs my money. And I don’t waste time mourning the loss of another independent brewer because I know the original owner probably just won the lottery and there are so many other independent beers out there that could use some attention.

So yeah, while I still would get a Yngling now and then if nothing else looked good I probably won’t now because of this. But only because it irritates me, not because I want to punish them.


Yeah. There are something like 10 independent breweries within walking distance of my house. And loads of others in the city. I don’t need beer from the other side of the country. When one sells out, I’ll just drink beer from another.


Yea, aren’t you awesome.

If you’re in the rust belt, you should be in Bell’s territory. Lager of the Lakes is great, not too heavy, and not too boozy…but Oberon whenever it’s available.


IIRC, this was one of the lynchpins of the “Jar-Jar the Sith Lord” fan theory that was circulating a year or so ago.

I wonder what Phyllis Schlafly would think of all this.

Speaking of Schlafly

Now that the weather is finally staying cooler, I think it’s time for some unfiltered wheat. Tom Schlafly stays purposely, publicly apolitical despite it being publicly known that he’s officially Democrat. Phyllis tried to thwart Tom’s efforts to trademark the name, because in her opinion, the name carried conservative connotations, which for her age group meant that she didn’t want alcohol associated with the family name.

I’ll say one thing for Trump; at least he’s chased off the religious nuts.


Union, Jailbreak, Independent.

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As far as boycotts go, I see no reason why I should give my money to someone I find disagreeable, especially when there are alternative products. It’s why I only read Orson Scott Card if I can get the books used, for example, so that he doesn’t get any new royalties. It’s my money, so if I want to make decisions based on who gets the money in the end and not simply because of the product, then why not?