“Peacemaker” beer? what is it, gun flavoured?
Only in texas…
“Peacemaker” beer? what is it, gun flavoured?
Only in texas…
Judging by what i’m finding online it’s a 5% abv blonde ale, pretty average light beer. I would imagine it’s not a far cry from a budweiser, just something to drink when it’s really hot outside and you want something refreshing. I don’t know if i’ve had that particular brew myself, maybe… maybe not i don’t typically buy beer that light but either way their quality is better than big breweries and i’m happy to support them every now and then.
Personally i’m a fan of strong dark beers you can’t see light shine through (aka: imperial stouts). I currently have the last batch of Woot Stout, a bourbon barrel aged imperial stout, and the same thing but with added espresso. All by Stone Brewery.
99 cans is 1188 ounces. A 12 pack would be gross enough.
I feel like they missed a marketing opportunity by not selling a 144 pack
Maybe they missed a new marketing slogan.
Pabst Blue Ribbon: Now gross by the ounce or gross by the can!
I certainly wouldn’t want to be stuck explaining that “I’m really much more functional than this purchase makes me appear, I swear” to curios onlookers; but despite it’s formidable size that offer looks a trifle lightweight as an instrument of inebriation:
1080 half-liters, 540 liters of beer; 4.5% alcohol, 24.3 liters of alcohol; almost 88.5 euros per liter. The sky is certainly the limit for alcohol prices when the solvent and impurities are suitably well regarded; but those are the sort of prices where financial considerations are dangerously likely to impede any attempt at decently self-destructive drinking.
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