Paired pushbuttons notify partners about desire to have sex

It’s also maybe worth noting that this will do nothing to actually fix the problem if a couple has an issue with being in the mood at different times. It will merely delineate the problem in a more obvious form.


So, Tinder.


How’d you get that from my private iCloud account!?!


“Otherwise I’ll be making moves all the time. Do you want that? Do you want someone mauling you all the time?”

My poor wife…


This sounds like one of those schemes to create some kind of “foolproof data log of sexual consent” that MRA-type rape apologists are always trying to come up with. As in, “It couldn’t have been rape! The log shows she pressed the button! She wanted it! I have proof!”


And, depending on the security, a way to totally mess people’s love-life.


Being old is awesome, isn’t it? So, so awesome. I’m glad I’ve stuck around for it. #noregrets

You would think so. Although it may have trouble passing Apple’s approval process. Surely it exists on Android though.

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A: “Hey baby, I was just thinking the same thi—“

B: “Oh sorry I must have butt-dialed you.”


But is the quality any good? :roll_eyes:

If only there were some way we could send a column of air through a resonating chamber, and modulate the frequency and quality of the sound in various ways to indicate particular arbitrary concepts. And then if that vibrating air could somehow impact upon a receiving device, maybe making it vibrate in response, sending a signal to a central processor that could then decode the vibrations. Someone should invent that. (For bonus points, one could also develop such systems that involve visual symbols, either transmitted to a storage medium or made with mechanical manipulators, that could be similarly decoded by an optical detector.)


Hmm. I don’t know. It adds spontaneity, but loses the countdown time aspect of this offering.

“This opportunity for sex self destructs in (tap-tap-tap) T-minus-2.5 hours…”

I just watched the Kickstarter video. As amusing as it was, these appear to be tethered to each other, or if not, tethered to a wall outlet. A physical single purpose item like this, with a narrow range and limited location, really feels like something that could be done better with a phone app. Sex doesn’t always happen/originate in the bedroom.

And yes, you could always talk to each other, but as the video (and the 'Curb Your Enthusiasm" clip as well) points out, fear of rejection – especially after it’s happened a few times – can cool your ardor.

Plus, part of the appeal of this product is the other person doesn’t know the “invitation for action” has been extended (as it were) until they opt in as well. So if they never opt in when you do, you aren’t facing rejection… but yeah, if your desires aren’t lining up, it can lead to a lot of self doubt and time spent wondering “wtf?”

I predict fights.

(edit) I just realized that there’s a good chance with it on a bedside table that, if you own cats, a cat is going to walk on that thing.

Absolutely going to lead to fights.

(edit2) the makers talk about the product:

I enjoyed watching their expressions and body language.

(edit3) From their FAQ:

Why isn’t it an app?

Dedicated LoveSync hardware is superior to an app for a number of reasons:

  • Not everyone keeps their mobile devices at their bedside making LoveSync technology unavailable for use when you need it most. Even if people do keep their mobile device near them at night, notifications are typically silenced so you’d miss-out knowing when you’ve synced with your partner.
  • Frequently, users find they have an impulse and discreetly tap their buttons late in the evening or during the night when getting out a mobile device would defeat the anonymity.
    Since by definition, you can’t tell if your desire was received by your partner’s device (unless they also tap theirs) it is crucial that you can count on a 100% secure and reliable connection between the devices 24/7. Ever get a text hours after it was sent? Or not at all?

All that talk about vibrating makes me want to press the button.

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It’s like some sort of fail safe missile launch protocol


Maybe this is just something that the non sad and pathetic do naturally; but this strikes me as fulfilling a valuable function(one that would be nice to have much more broadly available):

There are many inquiries that impose some cost on the party being inquired of(especially if the answer is no); which discourages making them unless you suspect you already know the answer, are motivated enough to risk the imposition, or are just enough of a jerk that you don’t need to be motivated to impose on people.

Here, you have an inquiry mechanism that can be used at zero cost to the other party, if the answer is a negative your inquiry just silently times out without any effect; but passes mutually agreeable inquiries. That’s rather elegant for any of the numerous questions that you’d rather not bother people with.

It might even serve the cause of being non sad and pathetic: much easier to construct an jnferential model of what someone’s interest looks like if you can venture guesses without the risk of bothering them or pestering them enough to perturb the results.

None of the above is exclusive to sex, naturally, there’s a huge area of questions that both may bother people and are often answered with a ‘yes’ that indicates a vague sense of social obligation or judgement about the least-worst way to smooth the problem over(“Is this seat taken?”) that would greatly benefit on both sides from a zero-imposition means of asking and a not-put-on-the-spot opportunity to answer or not.

But if that’s all just intuitive that’s cool too.


This is sooo sad. If you don’t know what partner’s buttons to push by now… (sigh)


Absolutely nothing could go wrong! It’s not like they equipped this “consent machine” with a single “yes” button and no “no” button, because changing one’s mind or withdrawing consent SURELY isn’t a thing!


for whatever reason, i find that sentiment kind of gross. my partner isn’t some sort of thing to turn on when i want sex. they’re a person, no buttons.

personally, i like the idea that this button is like, hey you: here’s a passing thought of what we could be doing right now.

for some couples it could be a nice toy. not a replacement for dialog or dates or dressing up - just another thing to play around with.




“we turn the keys in: 3-2-1”