Originally published at: Palm Springs AIDS memorial sculpture to be changed because residents say it looks like a giant anus | Boing Boing
Palm Springs? They could put up another AIDS sculpture, and rename that one the Koch Memorial (after adding the two hands).
I mean, it kinda sorta does… Could have been a contender:
I have a strong feeling that the detractors would be the more likely to have never seen an actual anus.
I can imagine their reaction if they saw some art made to raise questions.
I feel like there’s bigger assholes in Palm Springs.
Queen Victoria would be amused.
Gene Brake, a local resident and founder of the Jose Sarria Foundation, told [KESQ-TV], "The proposed memorial looks like a graphic depiction of the backside of a human being
Graphic? Even if you think it looks like one, it’s a very stylized one. It’s not as though it’s an enlarged exact body cast of someone’s nether regions.
Apparently some residents believe the nine-foot limestone sculpture looks like a giant anus.
Look on the bright side – there are no dingleberries.
Hey, a city I drive through regularly beat them to it.
Or their heads are far up it.
Don’t tell them about the Gateway Arch in St. Louis
Christ, what an asshole!
OK, that one is just silly. Anyone who thinks that big gold ring looks like an anus just has some kind of pathological obsession with anuses. Someone is wearing a wedding band? Haha, it’s a finger up an anus! Olympics logo? Five interlocking anuses! The number one million? A little penis chasing six anuses!
I think it looks like a millstone.
Yeah I don’t think the view as shown in the rendering included in the post was the problem. But seen from the… ah, rear… I understand where the critics are coming from.