Pandering to zealotry Trump says America worships Christian god

Before the election. You really have no idea.

I have a go bag.

Look, I’m not saying I know this song. But the melody is awfully reminiscent of several popular ditties in the 1930s.


I prefer Ovaltine, myself.

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Trump is talking up saying Merry Christmas already? Listening to my favorite Christmas album* Christmas morning is going to be better than usual.

:* Venom’s classic, “Welcome to Hell”


On a related topic, how soon until Drumpf pushes his cult of personality to have the mint run $1B bills with his smug, jowly visage?

Kidding aside, let’s hope his policies don’t cause inflation to such a degree that one needs to carry a wallet full of billions just for milk and eggs…


We’ve started calling it Crustmas in my home and celebrate the day with pizza and movies. This year: Die Hard and the Harry Potter series are on the schedule. Y’all are welcome to hang out!


Grizzly Adams fights off Nazi elves for Christmas. It’s pretty amazing.




As an American citizen who was raised with strict Christian doctrine, I would like to say to the President, NO.

I figured it out at like age 14, there is no god, science is king, and people should be able to practice any religion that they choose without fear of reprisal.

As much as I feel that religion is an ancient mind virus, perpetrated upon modern people by the ignorance of our ancestors, I also feel that my opinion is valuable to exactly one person, me.

If I was inclined to worship anything, the Sun seems like a great candidate. Giver of life, warmth, and orbital stability, the Sun requires no faith, and doesn’t give a shit what you pray about.


Single best photo on back in the day.

Low bar.

Some options for worship that might be fun, and enrage these same fundamentalists:

The Bombadier Beetle


Either the sun or Joe Pesci…


The Christian martyr complex is equal parts baffling and shameful.

Do you know who the real martyrs are? It’s the Christians. And men. And white people. And the rich.

(Yes, there are parts of the world where Christians are persecuted. The US isn’t one of them.)


Wow. That’s ridiculous: A strong bureaucracy is the only way to consistently govern a large tribe like the US.

So I went to college in a blue state. I had a friend who lived maybe 90 minutes out into the country, and she would say things like, “I have been persecuted for my faith”.

What did she mean? The only thing I recall her telling me was that she got poked fun of in high school for being an all-around goody two-shoes.

I actually knew another guy a few years older than her who grew up in the same town. His family was Jewish, but I never heard a peep out of him about any alleged persecution.


The goalposts have been moved such that getting one seat on the US supreme court constitutes faking it well enough.

Blathering is what he does best :frowning:

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Socialism? Environmentalism? Feminism? Equality? All evil systems built on lies, dark fantasies and hypocritical posturing, whose only purpose is to shore up wealth and power in the handsnof a few and control the way we live our lives!!!

Fundamentalist Relgion? Prefect frreeeeeddooommmmm

  • evangelicals

He would never stoop to a lowly dollar bill or for that matter even a Ben Franklin. The common people may have seen or touched those. There was a $10,000.00 paper bill with Salmon Chase’s portrait but that’s long ago history. My bet would be that he’d institute a million dollar bill, something that only he and his “class” of people would likely ever touch. For my use, the only paper his face belongs on comes on a roll and has a specific utilitarian function.

Opps, Sorry, too late I saw the B on your post


Nonsense. We all should know that Jesus was Indian.


The alt-right term for those evil systems is “alien ideas” which have been foisted on this once-great nation. One guess as to who the wealthy and powerful “aliens” they’re dog-whistling about are.


Are you saying that Percival Dunwoody is responsible for President Sanders being removed from our timeline?