Papa John Schnatter: "I've had more than 40 pizzas in the last 30 days"

I worked at one in the mid-90s and we didn’t have exclusive pairs…seemed like most people bought two anyway.

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I recall a time, maybe the mid- to late-80s, where they sold two pizzas in a double-length pizza bag rather than a box. My recollection is that they were only sold in pairs. Wikipedia and their corporate site are unclear on the matter. Probably because no one cares.


This is correct! Though the pizzas were on a cardboard shelf, inside the bag, so they didn’t get mangled in transport.


They were magic mushrooms. I don’t think he was living on coke and mushrooms alone. He had built out the attic to be more comfortable while working up there on the farm from what I understand. THink there was a minimal kitchen and bathroom. I didn’t actually know he had a farm up there until after this incident. So I never saw it directly. His paranoia had been growing for many months leading to cameras everywhere inside and outside the house and had started buying guns for “protection”. Needless to say I had tapered off my visits rather drastically before he went fully feral.

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Can confirm. Even as late as '91 as far as I can remember. Once I moved to G’ville, Florida there was no need for corporate pizza (Thanks to Leonardo’s) for a few years, so not sure when the change occurred.

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I was going to say (but forgot to) that there are FAR too many fantastic pizza joints here in Austin. They just don’t necessarily deliver to my place.


There’s a place not all that far from me that’s got some of my favorite pizza, but they only do “commercial” deliveries (not sure what the threshold is). I guess if I was really, truly, cool I’d be making my own pizzas. It just always tastes better made by someone who makes pizza all day long go figure.

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Early 20’s me had a few of those. I remember.


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