Party comes to an abrupt end

This was definitely done during an Acid trip

Habitual users develop “tolerance” and require more of the stuff to get their hands on the dragon’s tail.

Around here, (in Soviet Russia) the dragon gains tolerance for the users.


If anything, orally ingesting cocaine is safer, disregarding whatever it’s cut with. Snorting it puts the stuff directly into your blood. Swallowing it means contact with stomach acid and enzymes before it can get into your blood.


“Mucous membrane” is what you’re after. Which, yup, are ■■■■■ and well supplied with blood.


I’m curious, what exactly is the mechanism by which it “burns a hole” in the nose?


Vasoconstriction. It also causes holes in the palate of the mouth.


In addition to what @knoxblox said, pure cocaine basically doesn’t exist. It’s always cut with something. And those somethings can be caustic or directly cytotoxic. Like aspirin. Which is very bad for mucous membranes like stomach lining. Or nasal epithelium.


Finding that link, there’s other links stating that “today’s standard” cut cocaine contains a flesh-eating bacteria(?) drug.

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At the very least it certainly has staph in it from handling, since everyone has staph on their skin. And staph causes tissue erosion and lesions if you give it a chance. Combine that with poor blood flow from the effects of the drug, you’ve got yourself an infection.

Additionally cocaine is made with Sodium Hydroxide as one of its processing chemicals and that doesn’t always get washed out. NaOH has a pH of 14, and is caustic to tissue.

There’s lots of plausible things in cocaine, and that cocaine does that can lead to tissue erosion.


That ninja link doesn’t have anything to do with bacteria directly. One of the cutting agents they’re using is a veterinary de-worming drug (levamisole) that causes an immune response in humans that ends up attacking skin capillaries.

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Easy enough to wipe residue off a flat glass surface. Whatever traces remain aren’t enough to charge anyone with. Cops would never even bother testing for that.


Apologies, I wasn’t attempting to ninja you.

Just figured I’d show the article instead of hearsay.


The police handbook I read said specifically not to do this, using the example of LSD dissolved into powdered sugar as a nasty surprise.


I believe it. Police in TV shows don’t always behave remotely realistically.


I’d be lapping that wine off the table in seconds.

My ‘friend’ once tried to carry a large plastic cup full of LSD sugar cubes in an esky (cooler/chilly bin) the cup tipped over and the cubes dissolved in the water. Suddenly all ‘his’ mates were very thirsty for some ice cold water…

Pretty fun day in the end!


That need more likes than I can supply.

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Don’t be sorry. i was making an observation, not a judgment.

That might explain the sniffing

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