Pastor advocates hitting children to instill respect for his god

Same here, especially on a website that has an ‘islamophobia’ tag.

And it’s the fact that it’s done unironically is what bugs me. I mean…yeah, at 32% of the world population, Christians aren’t persecuted, by and large. Oh, some parts of the world do. But…here’s the thing. It’s 32% and dropping. Islam? That’s 22% of humanity, and growing.

In this thread, there are people blasting Christianity for the Old Testament bullshit. Ever sat down and read anything form the Quran? That’s some Old Testament bullshit, and in much of the Islamic world, they practice it. The portrayal of women in video games makes you uncomfortable? How about stonings? They still do that shit. In 2008, a 13-year-old Somali was stoned to death in front of a crowd of 100 for the crime of being raped…

You say anything negative about Islam, though, and OMG Islamophobia! Asshole dude punches a kid in the chest and uses the Lord as an excuse, and people condemn an entire religion.