Unless they want to make our iPhones. Then that’s okay.
The world must be SO confusing to folks like Pat Boone.
Communist Red China is beating our asses at the whole exploiting workers, capitalism, and wretched excessive consumerism thing.
What do you think the best way is to counter the non-argument of “He’s a Nazi, since he likes nationalism and socialism!!” ? There must be some appropriate zinger.
“The Nazis were socialist to the same degree that the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea is a democracy.”
I like to use this educational video.
That seems a bit SOCIALIST to me.
Not so at all. Those no-good kids these days aren’t afraid of the Soviets at all.
I uh… well… hm.
Next thing you know they’ll be living in a oligarchic security state with only the trappings of a republic.
Imagine what could be done if the anti-Obama nuts focused on his actual failures, like curbing the NSA, closing gitmo etc. instead of the imagined failure in their heads.
Pat Boone has been a wing nut for some time and a birther. Compared liberals to cancer.
They overstayed their Visas, but entered the country legally.
I think Pat Boone has overstayed his welcome if you ask me.
“fundamentally transformed” into a virtual socialist, if not outright communist, society
Virtual socialist…is that like playing Papers, Please?
Says the man who made a living ripping off black performers who had more talent in there little fingers, than he has in his whole body.
what’s with his mouth? At first glance I thought this was another cat video.
Pat Boone has shown my greatest fear. Not one that Obama will release all murderers. That I too one day will be old and much more susceptible to believing in such crazy things because my mind will be cluttered with junk and its processing abilities reduced. Hopefully I can hold off on my first true fw:fwd:fw:fw:fw:re:fw:fw: momenent until sometime in my mid 70s.
Pat! You forgot to take your meds again. Now open wide…
Well since he hasn’t shown his master plan yet Obama is bound to do it now since he only has 2 years left.
I expect he will lock up all white people and take all the guns in the last 3 months of his presidency.
Will totally happen.
The challenge is going to be figuring out how to amass enough jack-booted thugs to forcibly subjugate the entire American populace once he’s finished dismantling the U.S. military. I guess he’ll just have to outsource that part to Al Qaeda.