Originally published at: Patch tatty jeans with intentionally tatty patches | Boing Boing
‘Tatty Patches’ → New punk band alert.
A little different, since the Tatty Patch is about trying to make it look like something wasn’t mended, but someone posted this shashiko (visible mending) video on another thread recently:
It inspired me to finally mend an old sweater, and it came out great! Turns out, when you aren’t worried about trying to make the repairs invisible, it’s really quite fun. Less like a chore and more like an art project.
I used to patch holes in my jeans with a nice printed cotton (doubled up) embroidered in place with colorful embroidery floss. I was a poor university student, and new jeans were way more expensive than 1/2 yard of fabric, the floss and a couple hours of my time.
Looks like a good procrastination activity. Maybe a bit too productive for me. An old colleague recovered a whole couch to put off studying.
or indie folk band, either one.
I’m not much of a procrastinator, and I already had mad grandma skills by the age of 18, so just something to do for my hands while listening to tunes or watching a movie. And saving $50 - that can buy a lot of ramen!
I really don’t like this sort of poverty cosplay
What is the appeal of worn jeans? Why do people find abraded denim so goddamn beautiful that they’ll pay exorbitant prices for faux-worn jeans or make a phony patch like this? Is it secretly impossible to resist someone if their jeans have knees that are worn exactly halfway through, or what?
last post was 7 years ago
Uh… welcome back, I guess?
Thanks for the sympathy but I’m actually dirt poor.
I had to patch my fav jeans just last week, because ‘me bana’ is a just little more ‘junk in the trunk’ than they were designed to handle.
Good jeans are worth keeping!
I got a size bigger but I’m too damn tall and nowhere is open - but I refuse to compromise with clothes that already have holes in.
Oh I didnt get any bigger; I’ve actually lost weight from stressing during the quarantine.
It’s just an occupational hazard of being a petite Black woman; most regular jeans simply are not made to accomodate my Afrocentric derriere, (which isn’t even that big.)
Amazing phrase, love it
Grazie; I can turn a phrase when I put my mind to it…
This very white girl hears you - I’ve been skating on ice, pavement or snow for over 30 years (my butt ain’t flat). Most jeans fit me poorly. Until about a year ago, I could reliably get jeans at Express, but they’ve gone all-in on high-waist. I’m short-waisted, and refuse to wear pants that sit on my rib cage…I’ll be mending jeans for a while, until this super unflattering trend goes away again. (Fingers crossed, those dog-forsaken “skinny jeans” still exist).
Rob’s come by the holes in his jeans honestly.
I don’t think it’s a bad thing that he wants to patch his jeans somehow with something he likes, and keep wearing his jeans… and keep them out of the landfill, etc.
Like this?:
What, you don’t want to look like Steve Urkel?