Penis seat on Mexico City subway

#Penis seat on Mexico City subway


Well, maybe it’s a literal interpretation of of this quote:

Bingo! ITA.

The moral here is that no one wants to deal with any unsolicited peen; welcome to our world, fellas…



Heads will roll?



That’s far more useful than what’s usually proffered…


Obligatory Dr. Horrible reference…


Just some minor reapolsetry.

Unless I missed my morning coffee…


“It’s uncomfortable to sit here, but it does not compare to the sexual violence that women suffer on their everyday commute.”


Obligatory snarky response


Being excluded from the workforce is absolutely not the same thing as “Japanese​ women want to be housewives.”

The Sims sells really well in the West. Or to take a more extreme example, just because that stupid Kardashian game sold insanely well in the US doesn’t mean that all American women are obsessed with shopping for clothes. Just because a largely male-dominated games industry makes and sells a bunch of crap that they target at women doesn’t mean there aren’t also women who are far happier playing Battlefield or Minecraft.

I can’t speak for the situation in Mexico but I have a lot of experience in Japan. Yes, it is a largely patriarchal society that has fairly gendered ideas about the roles of men and women. However, that’s an entirely different thing to saying that women generally are happy about the situation.


In some ways Mexican culture is more misogynistic, particularly in it’s extreme emphasis on machismo and on dominance of women as part of that. However, as you alluded to, it’s one thing to say a thing about a culture, for instance the racist xenophobic Islamophobic antisemitic fascism currently running roughshod through American culture, and another to say it about the people living within that culture. I think a lot of the defensiveness that gets expressed (not least of all by Americans) when their culture is criticized, stems precisely from that same misconception of taking it personally, but it’s even worse when the people delivering the criticism can’t distinguish between cultural forces and individual within, when they actually are indicting the people and thus blaming the victims along with the victimizers.

One only has to examine the rampant hypocrisy of so many cultures (such as the American Right), to realize that culture has a life of its own that might not always reflect the actual impulses, desires, thoughts or even beliefs of the people going along with it. A small number of people can get a large population to go against even their own interests by preying on their fear and anxiety. In the US, Mexico and even to an extent Japan, the forces of evil run on fear (of losing privilege, of losing manhood, of losing status or inviting disgrace) far more than real passion for the cultural norms those fears bolster. Psychologists even have a term for this: the bystander effect, where a collective acts in a way that most or even all of its individuals it comprises wouldn’t if they felt free to go against what they simply assume is the majority will.

Most important is to never think our own shit don’t stink. After all, we ourselves (by which I mean the US, recognizing not all Boingers are) stand teetering on the edge of Gilead. Since the purpose of this seat is to make a statement about misogyny that exists on public transport the world over, it’s a shame if some people take it as being about Mexico alone.

Sorry, getting off my soapbox. Just riffing off what you said and it kind of got out of hand.


There it is lol i thought it was convenient

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Okay fair enough


It is amazing, a subway that runs through the whole country!


this is the perfect setup for one of those urban camouflage pranks.


Now that you mention it, I’m curious how Mexico City has a subway. The city was built floating inn a swamp. Not much there to tunnel into and under.


Well because Mexico is great they drained the swamp, of course.


I was crushed to find that the name “Sit N Spin” was already taken.

Am I the only one who’s sitting here thinking “That Dong needs to be erect to sit on properly!”

C’mon Mexico! Nobody wants to sit on a limp dick.


To cut through the plastic to see if that is just a shell or a real man embedded in plastic.