Penn Jillette lost over 100 lbs and still eats whatever he wants

I lost 5 pounds after gaining 10 and I still eat whatever I want!*

*Not true. Today I passed on the sweet potato fries with my sandwich. Yesterday I wanted to – but did not – buy a pound of this:

(Why am I thinking I’m the only person around who likes this?) Though I did find out that they have 1/4 lb. packages so we’ll see what happens…

In a roundabout way that reminded me of something called “Diet for Life.” Fruits and/or vegetables for breakfast and lunch, then whatever one wants for dinner. But no food after 8pm. (Disclaimer: I’ve never stuck to this, not for very long anyway, and I don’t know how it worked out for the person that told me about it. It was also early 1994 before Atkins’ diet got popular etc.)


Ugh, you are. Candy corn is good for about five pieces.


Yeah, I have family members with those. I went on a trip with one about two months after the surgery and was appalled at how little it would allow them to eat. Like “Here’s your cupcake as a meal” sized food.

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It gluttony still a sin we condemn?
(That question is probably rhetorical given our culture’s “fat shaming” tendencies.)

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You are not the only one. I cannot buy it as I cannot stop eating it.


It’s also good if you cut it with some roasted peanuts, which I guess is marginally better for you.

I know right? It’s like, against the rules to get healthy without suffering and privation. /s

Also, see @HMSGoose’s comment. His appetite and pallet are exactly what he did change. Unlike people who merely deny their appetites, he actually modified his. That’s literally the opposite of dismissing gluttony.
But, you know, whatever, dude.

Anyway, he’s not fooling anyone. That’s not really Penn Jillete. That’s Ice-T :grinning:


100lbs, that is like a whole Teller.

Seriously though, good for him making lifestyle choices so that he can be around for his kids. that is a trick i can get behind.


Initially, yes. But, as I can attest to, portion control and exercise. I still pretty much eat WHAT I want, just not the quantity. Measuring food is huge. I did give up ice cream.
I didn’t lose 100, I lost about 25, but I also didn’t weigh 340 pound and I’m only 5-9. I was down 30, but leveled off a bit.
It’s been a few years and I’ve kept it pretty well. My wife and I both did Weight Watchers but stopped after a year. It’s a good program, but we had issues with them However, it’s impossible not to lose weight if you do what they say.
I don’t know how much my wife lost, she won’t tell me… :slight_smile:


I could happily eat that till I make myself sick. Probably way way too sweet for me to eat more than few pieces anymore though.


yeah, i was vegan for 9 years, really healthy home cooked food vegan, not the franken food replacement product vegan, and it lead to all sorts of very serious health problems. auto-immune attacks, hormone issues, and more. because i was strict, i never considered adding a little animal products to see if it would help. It got to the point where it was actually killing me and I had to seriously re-evaluate. During my re-evaluation I learned that a large percentage of long term vegans drop out between the 7-9 year mark due to similar health issues auto-immune/hormone, something that doesn’t happen with vegetarians.

i finally found a doctor that specialized in this exact thing and he started me eating a paleo-keto diet, this was before the paleo craze even started or there was even a name for it. it was super hard mentally to switch back to eating meat, i cried the first time, but once i did my health drastically improved. night and day.

All my old vegan friends except one has had to make similar changes, the one who hasn’t is currently seeing a hormone specialist and on thyroid medicine. I no longer think the strict vegan diet is healthy, but think vegetarianism can be super healthy.

Of course, I support eating however makes one feel healthy so long as they are listening to their bodies and willing to adjust if needed.


I once saw Bob Costas interview Teller (no Penn) on some late nite TV show. It was a little surreal.


Good for him looking out for his health and all…but…am I the only one who thinks he looks like hell now? He looks like he aged 20 years. That doesn’t look like healthy weight loss. I’m sure he needed it but maybe he would have been better off exercising instead of extreme dieting.


It’s the turkey neck. It happened to Bill Clinton too when he lost weight. The residual stretched skin from multiple chins lingers and is very difficult to remove or diminish nonsurgically.

Turkey neck is caused by flaccid muscles, loose skin and fat. As we age collagen and elastin fibres begin to weaken causing the dreaded turkey neck effect. Penn Jillette is over 60 years old, Clinton is 70.

Vitamin E, essential fatty acids, such as omega-3s and vitamin C are known to be good for the skin. Penn Jillette does not eat nuts, does not have animal fats or fish oils, but it is unknown if he eats any algae, the known vegan source of fatty acids docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).

Perhaps he doesn’t have sufficient vanity to use surgical or dermatology methods like Botox or fillers, or doesn’t find his turkey neck a hindrance to his career and job performance.

Here is a link to a 2016 science journal research article describing how researchers conducted a randomised double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial of ingestion of two types of collagen hydrolysates, which are composed of different amounts of the bioactive dipeptides Pro-Hyp and Hyp-Gly, to investigate their effects on the improvement of skin conditions. Vegans do not ingest collagen and elastin, so this option of antiaging appearance alteration is not available to them.


Well I’m sure he’ll fix it when he gets plastic surgery again.

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I’d love to try that, but a lot of my lunches are leftover from dinners, I wonder how I can avoid the waste.

This doesn’t sound like good science in the context that you’re claiming that they would prevent “turkey neck”.


Teller is just about my size, at 5’10". Penn is Huge. ( I have been on stage with them twice)


It’s rather late, granted, but I read that slightly differently from how you typed it…


I’ve never encountered a celebrity who makes me alternate between adoration and disgust like Penn does. He’s quite the guy and the world will be a sadder place when he goes.